Pottering Mark II

Friday Night

I carried on with the kitchen last night, but am getting nowhere fast.

I  managed to get some more blackberries not very many, but we intend to go on Saturday at some point to try and get some more. I have 8 jars out of a possible 9 (on checking all 9 have sealed and they all held when I elevated them by the seal) of Blackberries in syrup put by so far which I am very pleased with. All the jars have been cleaned up.  Now just need to label them and put them away. We do need a few more though and I have also a couple of other variations that I would like to get put up as well. Blackberry season this year does not seem as prolific as last year's harvest.

I also would like to get Elderberries, as I wish to make some Pontack sauce and also some Elderberry jelly and maybe some Elderberry wine.

As I have said I also have Lemon syrup and Blackberry syrup started.  I do need to add more Blackberries as I ran out after starting it hence the reason for going again sometime today.


An early start in order to get to the Layby and to see what goodies were available today Have come away with another sack of potatoes, a net of onions, a tray of eggs, some tomatoes for G, courgettes, Beetroot, a whopping bunch of carrots with leaves on, some Runner beans, some what look like purple French Beans (Beetroot, carrots and beans came from a chap at a local allotment and they look fab).  Some broccoli, a whopping big yellow courgette.  The local Asian shop does not have the onions at the moment and I use a lot of them and was nearly out so needs must. (they have since topped  up might have to get another bag as I have some plans for onion preserves as well).  Sometimes they have Red Onions, and if I can get a net of those, that would also be very handy.  I am thinking French Onion Soup and onion marmalade and relish for the Pantry shelf at the moment.

We then ventured out for a walk with Missy.  I managed to find a few more blackberries but I really need to get out on my own during the week to get stuck in on the foraging front.  I also collect natural material during this time for making Christmas decorations.  Already I have managed to get a few of the small cones (either Alder or Larch cones) and they are drying on the Dresser at the moment. I still want to make some jelly, and also if I can find enough some wine and a couple of other mixtures. G is always in too much of a hurry when we go out; he does not have much patience; however I am grateful to get out.  Have managed to pick another 1lb of Blackberries this morning.  They are going to go into the Blackberry syrup jar that has been started. It is already fermenting. I may well start another of these jars off as well to make sure that we have a reasonable supply of this syrup over the winter months.  I have also spotted a re-supply of Rosehips.  I shall make the Rosehip syrup like I did last year by this cold method of preserving.  I have also spotted some Rowan berries for making Rowan Jelly. Also will be on the lookout when I go foraging for other goodies too.

At the time of writing this, I still need to go to the veg shop and see what offerings the supermarket has on the veggie front. I am after some Strawberries to go in with the last pickings of Rhubarb from the garden to make Rhubarb and Strawberry pie filling. I need to source a really red stalked Rhubarb for aesthetic reasons.  Ordinary Rhubarb does not look very appetising in a jar once it is preserved and the more pink or red in the Rhubarb makes it more appealing.  That is why I want to use Strawberries with them.  We eat with our eyes first.  Plus Strawberries and Rhubarb are a classic combination.  I love them together in a jam.  Fingers crossed I am hoping I might squeeze some jam out of the ingredients as well or I might add a few more Strawberries to the mix.  I bought three punnets for the pie filling and I do not know how much Rhubarb there is in weight until I cut it which might be later.

I am hoping to get hold of some ingredients for Piccalilli  during the next few days amongst other things.   Also Peaches for a couple of preserves.  Will see how we get on.  I always have lots of ideas with what to do with things.

Well I timed it well.  The veg shop are on holiday for the week will be back on Friday. So no new stock today, just their existing stock. So will have to go and look for peaches when they are back as they did not have any today.  They did mention that there might be a possibility of getting some Damsons.  If they can I have asked them to get some for me.  I am not holding out any hope as not had Damsons for years.  They make a lovely Gin and also a lovely jam.  I usually put Orange in the jam it is gorgeous.  Also might have some Greengages coming in. I am lucky in that I have used this shop for years and we have a very good working relationship.

In respect of the Piccalilli, I have managed to get marrow, courgettes, cauliflower, carrots in preparation of making the Piccalilli, need some squash and also some pepper and that should be enough to make that.

Also a bowl of reduced Lemons and a bowl of Eating Apples (not sure which variety).

Have also scored a bargain with some large tomatoes reduced to £1 a bowl instead of £2.50 a kilo. I bought 4 bowls. There is about 4 kilo which is going to be turned into tomato sauce for pasta that kind of thing.  I will start off by roasting these in the oven and then putting them through the Mouli. 

I then went to the Co-Op and I found some reduced Strawberries so it looks as though the Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie filling is going to be made as well.

Also bought three bags of cherry tomatoes to do something with.

Basil and Chillies were also bought and a couple of trays of Chestnut mushrooms.  So some bits and bobs to be made for some good eating.

Also cabbage for making Sauerkraut has been procured as well.  So a good mixture of items to preserve and put away as well as a good selection of veggies for everyday eating.

Beetroot will be pickled.  If I can get some more another time might well make a chutney as well.

And of course I still have the Apples.  Looks as though I am going to be really busy.  I have made more work for myself but really I did not have much option.  It was a case of buy it today or lose out completely.

I am still hoping to get some Plums and hopefully can get some in the week once I am a bit clearer on the work front.  Also need to get Cucumbers to start off the Pickling but that will happen a lot later in the week.  Also fancy making Giardinaria vegetable pickle.  So will see how we get on.  It really is preserving season here.

Think am going to start with the Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie filling.  I water bath this, but I do not add any thickening such as Cornflour or Arrowroot.  That can be added when I make up the mix into its designated recipe.  It can also be used as the topping to breakfast cereal such as Muesli or Granola both of which I have to make in the next few weeks as well.

Right I had better get a wriggle on.  

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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