Preserving Nil


I know it is the Bank Holiday, I Just did not get to it today.  I wrote a couple of posts earlier on, and sort of got bogged down with that.  Took me a bit longer than I had anticipated.  It is what it is. I shall reconvene on the list again tomorrow. There is an awful lot to do.  However, due to OH allergic reaction to washing up it looks as though that is going to be doubtful.  So I may end  up sorting that out before I can do anything else.

Plus I need to go shopping tomorrow for cleaning stuff and maybe a quick visit to Waitrose as there are some little bits and bobs that are needed for the Pantry.


It has been colder here today and I have retreated into one of my sweatshirts and a pair of housework jeans to try and tackle the kitchen.  Going to be in here most of the day and evening.  It is going to be a quick tea this evening, Beefburgers. I hate bought Beefburgers from the likes of certain companies because they put so much muck on them. For me a proper Burger is one full of good quality meat, (ours are from the Butcher), just a few onions, bit of cheese and a small amount of ketchup.  However when you buy them from the fast chains they are not particularly good, pickle is put on them, too much sauce and salad.  I just don't need it.  We had crusty bread rolls from the Baker this morning so I knew we were going to have Beefburgers with them.  They have gone down a treat.

I am slowly getting on in the kitchen.  Things are finding their way home into their selected spots and very slowly organisation is returning to the kitchen. Very relieved about that as it drives me nuts.

I still have not got to do any preserving.  I might do the Plums that I have (not the Victoria Plums I am after) if I can tonight. It would be nice to get them out of the way.  Alternatively they will be done tomorrow.  Am going to get back into the preserving tomorrow and start off projects like cooking the Beetroot to get the Beetroot underway.

Tomatoes will be roasted for the pasta sauce.

The Apples are next on the list.

I have bought some Peppers and Broccoli for the Piccalilli.  I like Romanesco in it but the Broccoli will do the job.  Just have to get some picklers or shallots if I can get hold of them.  Try and get some tomorrow if I can then I can get the Piccalilli under way. I have a Marrow, courgettes, onions, cauliflower, runner beans green and purple and carrots, now the Peppers and the Broccoli. If I can get the picklers should be good to go in a couple of days.

In view of what else I have to do tomorrow, I think that is all I have time for, but we shall see.  Sometimes you get on quicker than others.

Right am going to get on.

Hope you all have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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