Rain much needed but plans scuppered

It has done nothing but rain today and looks as though it is going to continue over the weekend until Monday.  Yes we need the rain. However, it has somewhat scuppered my plans to be in the garden today.  I have left my cover off on the water barrel as well.  So it looks as though I am going to be indoors for a few days.  Never mind always lots to do indoors. 

I have been researching new to me preserve recipes. Whether I will get to some of this, this year or whether in fact it is going to get used next year is by the by in the greater scheme of things. All the reading and extra knowledge and ideas of how to do things really is adding to my repertoire and I have my notes for use when they are needed.  I very much at the moment seem to be influenced by French, Flemish and European cooking and preserving.  This year I do not have the garden stuff set that I had hoped for.  Next year will be very different as I shall start a lot earlier than I was able to this year. This year on the positive side has got me growing stuff again, and that now needs to be streamlined for next year. The Pumpkins have several blossoms on them, the French Beans are starting to set flowers and the tomatoes are doing well in the greenhouse as are the Peppers and now the Cucumbers. The Runner beans are like Triffids and I need to get them out into the garden.  Need to dig first and if I can get out between showers I shall attempt to do this as I am sure the Beans will like the soaking. If I get a late harvest all will be put to being preserved for the winter months.  Hopefully next week I will be able to get out Blackberrying and foraging which I had hoped to do a day or so ago. Anything is better than nothing though.

I did not get back into the garden last night as I had planned because of rain, so all garden jobs in reality are held off until Monday at the earliest unless the forecast changes or I can nip out inbetween showers.  I ended up a little unwell last night and needed my mint tea.  I think it was all the bending down picking up stuff yesterday that caused it.  So I went down about 3am and picked a couple of my dried mint leaves out of the jar and made myself a hot mint tea with 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar in.  It soon settled me and I was grateful that I had started to store it, although am not having it every night, just when I need it.  Makes a real difference and makes me more comfortable.

Today in the house, meal planned for this evening is simple and tasty.  Tinned tomatoes with chipolata sausages and maybe a fried egg in order that I can continue pottering and getting things out of the way with.  I have a load of things to do.  This is why I anticipate that this weekend is going to be mainly house based.

I have also started some Saurkraut and some Kimchi and am having another attempt at a Sourdough starter using Rye flour as the base for the starter this time round.  I have also started off another jar of Fermented Garlic and Honey.  I found this extremely useful last year in cooking as well as for colds.

In reality there are so many things I want to get squirrelled away but you can only do what you can do.  I still have the Rhubarb to sort out and do something with.  Will probably turn it into pie filling and add some Strawberries to give it a bit more colour.  Might change my mind before then though.

Today's little effort is finding some Basil at £1 for two bags.  Am waiting for my Basil plants to grow a bit, and thought would tear and dry this, for use during the winter.  Nothing much just a bit of something.  Once mine has grown a bit might preserve it in oil in the fridge.

Tomorrow we have to go and fetch potatoes. I tend to be going through these at the moment like wildfire.  I am hoping to get some new potatoes as well as main crop ones.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening and good weekend, never mind the weather.

Catch you soon.




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