
 Tuesday Night

After our lovely tea last night I did pop back into the kitchen.  I have found some more Kilner jars and so wanted to get those scrubbed in advance of the marathon preserving session I have planned over the next few days or so. I therefore did not get to deal with the Plums.  That is definitely on the cards for tomorrow and I have already made up 2 pints of a light sugar syrup which is residing in the fridge in readiness to get on first thing in the morning.

I have managed to get an awful lot of stuff back where it belongs which I am pleased about.  Still a lot to do but time to get the preserving on and then do bits inbetween.  It is going to be a busy day tomorrow as I plan going to Home Bargains to get topped up with cleaning stuff including soap powder, to keep me stocked up for the next six weeks or so. 

The weather this evening has been wet, damp and cold.  Definitely autumn in the air and although we have not had the best of summers it has been "warm" compared to other years. I am just so sad that we have not been able to get down to Cornwall.  There we are.

I did manage to pick up some reduced mushrooms today as well as some reduced broccoli and leeks.  Intend to make a Quiche with the Leeks, broccoli and some mushrooms, but also have a fridge preserve I want to try out as well.  I bought plain mushrooms and Chestnut mushrooms so am going to have a little bit of a play.


Woke up to grey skies and we have had quite a bit of rain.  Definitely feels like autumn here today; a lot nippier.  Have definitely retreated into my sweatshirts.  When I am working in the house I tend to don old raggy clothes so as not to spoil any of my better ones. After so long they get dumped and the pair I have on at the moment will definitely be dumped after tonight.  Holes where there should not be any.  Being in the house does not make much difference but even so.

No preserving during the day however I do have plans to make some Mushroom Confit and store it in the fridge and also cook the Beetroot.  If I can stretch to the Plums I will.

Back into the kitchen and more tidying.  Tonight's tea because of a change in the weather is to be a nice hot one.  Lamb chops with peas, French Beans, mashed potato, broccoli and some carrots.  Loads of gravy as usual.  Strawberries and cream to follow.  That should do very nicely.

Checked on the French Beans more than a handful so they have gone in with the veggies for tea. Went down very nicely.

Chillies are doing fantastically and have one ripe Red Cayenne Pepper.  There are quite a few more to come.  Even "Bert" G's hand reared Ghost Chilli has formed a lot of pods so there looks like there is going to be a good harvest from the Chillies all round.  Still waiting on everything else.

Right am off to get on and do a bit more.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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