Windy Wet and Yuck

Another day of very blustery winds that have hardly dipped, grey skies and rain.  We desperately need that water, but the grey does get me down which is one of the reasons I try and keep myself so busy.  I do try and keep things in perspective though as I am a lot luckier than a lot of people and for that I am blessed. I do not do negativity very well. I do try and make the most of what I have and what comes my way. Life is an ever moving journey. At this time of year we always used to go to my Nan's apple picking and would spend the weekend there bringing the harvest in.  |Other members of the family would also come for dinner.  My Nan used the occasion to get everyone together and a catch-up.  Happy days. I grew up with this from being  a small child and we did this for over 40 years.  It became for me a seasonal thing that marked the passing of time.

Because it is grey it is going to be a slog it out with the kitchen kind of day.  I had kind of started it a week or so back and then got dragged off on something else hey ho.  It has been back to the grind today though and slowly getting there.  Still sorting cupboards out and re-arranging them to get other items in.  Time consuming.

Last night I started to knit another pumpkin, went wrong and was too tired to sort it out so pulled it  undone.  Will have another go tonight when I get sat down.

I also received my invitation for the Covid Jab which has been booked for the coming Sunday.  That will be that out of the way with then.  G had his last week.

Yogurt was made last night and is in the fridge ready for using if himself wants a pudding tonight or indeed for breakfast tomorrow morning.  Yogurt is very good for you in the longer term and it has helped me considerably over the years and especially with the auto immune conditions I have.

A bread loaf has been put on and I also have some buns on the go as well. We have curry for tea tonight too to use up the half chicken left over from yesterday. Just a bought sauce this time, but I am hoping in due course to be able to produce my own sauces which will be on less thing to buy from the supermarket.

I really need to start thinking about that Christmas cake and Christmas puddings too and get them on the shelf and out of the way with.  Also want to make more Mincemeat.  I do not have much Brandy left in the bottle and so I think it will have to be Whisky in the cake this year as my lovely Nan always used to do. I only have Jameson's Whisky (It is the only one I will drink with lots of Lemonade in it (sacrilege to the purist).  I am not really into spirits a lot in any event and they are all well watered down. Not that I really drink a lot.  Always messing around making stuff but only have a little. Towards the end of October, will also make a Dundee cake.

Lots of things to do before then though of course but it is good to get an outline plan in mind and try and work towards it.

Been in the kitchen again and done a lot more. Stuff has been re-homed or re-arranged to its new spot.  Still more to do as himself is going to decorate the kitchen after the bathroom and that is another reason I am trying to get stuff sorted as quickly as I can.  Then again there is the Pantry that needs turfing out.  Will probably get the Pantry painted before he does the kitchen that way can get all the food organised.  All the preserves made so far are under the stairs for the time being in boxes as no shelf space but it is safe and out of the way.  I also have to strip the cooker down as it is that time again for a good old clean up.  I also need to see if I can get some peaches to make some more of the Peach and Chilli chutney which is my favourite chutney.  The Recipe is here:

Peach and Chilli Chutney

I would also like to get some Five Spiced Peaches made as well. Veg shop normally have them so need to go and take a look to see what I can find.

Not sure will get to any crafting this evening.  I have a bad head again and perhaps have been too long at the computer. So going to give the computer a miss for this evening.

Right am off to potter.

Catch you soon.




  1. You have been busy. I am sure the kitchen will be lovely once done.

    1. Thank you. It will be lovely to have it all sorted so that I can really get cracking on the cooking again. Pantry needs to be sorted so that I can find things. x

  2. I made stock with a chicken carcass and vegetable scraps I save. That was about the extent of my day. We've had smoke from the Canadian wildfires most of the summer and are having problems today. It affects my sinuses. It will be great to have your pantry set to order.

    1. Hi Sandra, sorry about the fires must be worrying and also with it upsetting your sinuses and breathing. You have my sympathies. Is it a regular occurrence or has it just been particularly bad this year. I must say, that it will be good to get the Pantry sorted so that I can find things easily and get ingredients decanted into their jars etc. I have large glass vintage sweet jars for bulk items. I also have my preserves pantry under the stairs and there is a fireside cupboard next to that which am going to also convert into a Preserves Pantry to keep everything safely out of the way. Once organised it should be easier for me to maintain and to work in. Take care Tricia x

    2. Canada has had terrible wild fires this year. I live in Minnesota which boarders Canada. The smoke has been affecting wide swaths of the US. It will likely become a regular occurrence.

    3. That is awful. I know first hand how destructive fire is. About 2 1/2 years ago the next door neighbours had a barbecue and put it away hot into a wooden shed. It set fire to their shed and burnt it down then set fire to our shed which I used as a utility room. Had three freezers, two wine coolers, a fridge, a Pizza oven, Winemaking equipment, preserving equipment, gardening stuff, DIY stuff in and most of my preserving jars. I kept hearing a funny noise as though someone was calling for attention. When I went out found the shed alight and it was the cracking I could hear. It was lucky the house did not go up; it nearly did. Needless to say they were not insured and scarpered whilst we were away on holiday. Lost no end of stuff but at least no one was hurt. I do not like fire in the sense I know how quickly things can go up especially if everything is dry. Is this down to a change in weather conditions and weather patterns. It must be worrying having to deal with that on a regular basis. Take care Tricia


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