A Bit Hit and Miss

Things are a bit hit and miss here at the moment.  Things are slowly and I mean slowly getting done.  However there is a heck of a lot to do and despite my focus and intentions I am slightly overwhelmed at the moment. The colder weather is not helping either blue fingers and blue toes! I am in the interest of my sanity therefore proposing to go radio silent until next Monday evening, to give myself a chance of getting myself together and to get back up to speed.  Various things have been going on but will update on Monday evening.  Such is life.  Speed bumps in the road of life as it were!

So compared to the other day progress has been made; I am happier than I was as to the state of play, but still a way to go.  I am still trying to organise myself so that we can do things a little differently during these winter months on several scores.  I want to overall try and make life a little easier, but it is going to take some sorting out to get things there. I intend to try and do a bit of batch cooking each week so that we can just go to the fridge and fish something out, potentially to give me time to focus on other matters and get them out of the way.  Well that is the outline plan anyway.

We have had a lovely tea this evening.  A haddock fillet each, just gently cooked on both sides with a little butter in a pan.  G had chips - I just did not fancy them.  The fish was lovely though.  It has been a while since I have had fish to cook at home, although we did have fish and chips from the chippie a few weeks ago.  I like simple fish meals.

With the clocks going back on Sunday 29 October 2023.  I want to get back into the habit of us having a Sunday dinner midday, and then a light Sunday tea later in the day. Many years ago when the children were at home, we changed when we had our Sunday dinner so that we could take them out for the day and we kind of stuck with it ever since.  I have decided that once I get into it (which probably will not be this weekend but may be starting the following Sunday) as I have to organise when I am going to do a little baking. The plan is then take things a little easier on a Sunday afternoon like I used to when I was growing up and allow a little time to chill.

I have some embroidery projects that are UFOs which I want to get out of the way.  However to work these I will need the daylight and my daylight lamp and my magnifier.  Quite frequently I listen to TV or radio or even You Tube or other programmes whilst I am working at something, even when I am trying to write posts.  I am trying to work in set times for doing stuff either daily or weekly to make more of the time I do have, allowing times for when I am not 100% in any event.  So we shall see how we get on.  The whole purpose is to try and achieve something workable for me at the end of the day and it might take a bit of fine tuning.

I am at the moment craving a homemade stew; think it is down to this colder weather and the early darkness.  I like to make a big pot full of stew so that we can go backwards and forwards to it for a good few meals, just served simply with some mashed potato.  I also intend to use some of the fruit I have preserved into some puddings as well. It really is that time of year.

Take care everyone will catch up on Monday.




  1. I also have limited energy, so I have started focusing on one small project at a time. If I finish that and still have some go, I start another. It takes time but it does get done. We are cold here and it quite windy. I have made a smoked pork shank and lentil soup for our lunch. Stew sounds wonderful, I hope you can get it made.

    1. I am so sorry about that Sandra I really do sympathise as it is so frustrating and debilitating. Unfortunately I get dragged off here and there by G. He has other issues including manic depression/bipolar; have to keep things on an even keel for everyone! Especially not easy when he is going through an episode. It has been cold here too we still do not have the heating on. The soup sounds as though it was delicious. The stew was delicious and will have a repeat again tomorrow if not the day after as this is how I tend to cook during the winter months. One good hot meal a day to warm us up from the inside. Just take care as you say can only do a little bit at a time. When I am good I tend to work through a whole host of things. Sun makes me feel better. Hugs Tricia xx


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