Sunny Days and Keyboard Issues

 Yesterday was a beautiful Sunny day and one where I was confined to the kitchen doing further work, but hey hoe each day that passes I get that bit further along and slowly things are coming together.

I was quite industrious yesterday in the kitchen from the perspective that I made dough and left it to rise.  I then turned it into a big tray pizza for our tea.  We had Tomato passata (the Mutti one bought on Friday still plenty of this to use up), Mozzarella, Pepperoni, red onion, Ham, pineapple, spring onion, fresh tomato, fresh pepper, anchovies, more Mozzarella and it turned out very nicely indeed. This time I chose to make a large tray bake one sectioned in half with one end having anchovies on for G and I think this worked out better overall.   We still have plenty of ingredients left and so a further pizza could be had later on in the week.

I did have every intention of popping up a post last night however we had a wardrobe malfunction in the form of my keyboard speaking and printing numbers and letters together.  That is the third keyboard I have had this year. G ordered a new one and went flying out last night to collect it only to find that the shop was closed.  He did try!  So I have had to wait until Sunday morning to receive the new one.  It is very frustrating trying to use a computer to navigate different sites without the keyboard as I found I could go to my trusted sites, but not search for anything.

Sunday Morning

Another lovely bright sunny day very chilly, but then it is autumn after all; I am surprised just how quickly this year has gone. Especially as at the end of the month we change the clocks back, lose an hour in bed, with the evenings being dark and the mornings dark then lighter. This year has not been as was envisioned or indeed planned as I had hoped to be away down in Cornwall but these things are sent to try us.  At the end of the day you can only do what you can do.  Maybe next year will be different.  

G walked her highness and came back with my new keyboard and mouse.  Trouble is because I have typed most of my life for work losing a good keyboard or mouse is like chopping the ends of your fingers off.  As I have a relatively good speed (although not as fast as I used to be) it really does incapacitate me which infuriates me even more.  Must say the new keyboard is a lot better than the last one all round (although I have yet to bed the keys in).

Hopefully now on the computer and keyboard front things will be a little more plain sailing.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited.

Will see how the rest of the day plays out.

Have a lovely day and will catch up later on.






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