Well I tried

 but I did not get there.  A very short post this evening as nothing has really happened today apart from a lot of toing and froing!

G had forgotten that he had a Doctor's appointment this morning.  Fortunately he got there just in time, but I had a bit of running around to do on his behalf before he left the house.

He did not get back until gone 12 noon when I set too and did a brekkie and some clearing up, washing and then drying.  Before I knew it I had to get ready to leave for the hospital for my physiotherapy class.  It was my last session with the class today.  However every so often I will be attending one on one with the physio. Think it will be another couple of weeks before I see her again.  Have my exercises to do in the meantime which I have been keeping up with at home.

In reality my arm is a lot more comfortable than it was.  At the last session two weeks ago after class my arm pinged.  I know I have rotor cuff issues as the ultrasound proved that, but I have indicated from the word go that it feels as though I have knocked something out in my arm.  When it pinged, I was able to move my arm out to the side and up which I had not been able to do.  However, being realistic I knew that if something pinged back into place then equally it could ping out again.  This seemed to happen last week when I had the flare up, but had settled down again by class today although still not quite back there.  So will see how things go on.  It is very much down to me now.  Will see how we get on.

As I say sorry it is short and sweet.  Hopefully tomorrow will be far better.  

Catch you soon.




  1. Since I am new here I don't know what you are dealing with. Have you been ill? I understand the rotator cuff, I've damaged both of mine, but the pinging does sound like something was out of place.

    1. Sandra have sent an email Tricia xx

    2. Hi Sandra

      Sorry slightly War and Peace, but we have to deal with the cards life gives us.

      I have long term auto immune disease which is genetic. Mum was badly affected (hers showed up as something called Primary Biliary Cirrhosis which basically killed her liver and she had to have a transplant). Was very lucky and the new liver lasted 25 years (which we were very grateful for as it gave us precious time with her). They then found out that patients with the PBC were getting the condition back in the new livers and so for that particular condition they stopped transplants as they realised that there was something more to it than how they had been treating it. They traced it down to six potential wonky genes. My brother has the same condition as my mum, but not the severity or extent. They better understand the condition today, and for the best part it can in most cases be controlled.

      I have the auto immune disease but it has showed up very differently although mum had the Sjogren's and a couple of other things. Other members of her family have some of the issues but have not been as badly affected. My conditions are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjogren's Syndrome (pronounced Shogrins), Raynaud's Syndrome, Scleroderma, Lupus, Vitamin D deficiency, Epilepsy, disc out of alignment lower back, flat footed (so no more high heels! - 3 years ago had bunion operated on they were supposed to do the other one, but this one did not go as planned showed no signs of healing and knitting the plate and bone together and they have elected to not do anything as yet. There are loads of other bits and bobs as well - got fed up as every time I went to the hospital they were diagnosing something new. Don't like labels!

      As many of the auto immune conditions throw up similar symptoms, it is difficult to know which condition is kicking off and sometimes how to deal with it. The Sjogren's shows up with dry eyes, dry mouth, just dry everything. I have also lost most of my teeth in the past couple of years through this despite having always looked after them, which is really embarrassing. With the conditions I also get extreme fatigue as well, which is debilitating. Very frustrating for someone who is used to flying around and getting things done.

      The rotor cuff injury is the latest issue. I had mentioned right from the word go that I thought something had slipped with my Consultant. They sent me for a scan and I do have the rotator cuff issue at the top back right shoulder. The other week when I was at Physio after I came home, during the night something clicked and I was able to move my arm sideways above my bust which had not been able to do for over eight months. My logic was that if something clicked back it could also click out again. I did mention it to the physio, who told me to keep an eye on it. Well it slightly clicked out again, but not to the extent that it has. I have found that manipulating the arm with my fingers and using touch often helps get the arm moving again; so am just doing what I can to keep it moving. The physio has helped no end, especially with the upper arm strength classes have been going to and I am grateful for her patience and assistance. I am now just back for checkups for a short while with her to see how I get on. You cannot help genetics at the end of the day. It is just one of those things. In any event, I hope you are keeping well, and that your arm is not causing you too much discomfort; its at night when it is the killer. Take care and thank you for asking and sorry for being so long windedx Tricia

  2. I did find it yesterday afternoon. My eyes didn't pick it up when I first looked. You've been handed a lot to deal with.

    1. I try my best - it is just one of those things not asking for sympathy - just sometimes overwhelms me, I get frustrated and I feel like I am treading treacle, but pick myself up and dust myself down and start all over again. I do not give in easily and will not be defined by the conditions or let them stop me having a go at stuff (within reason). Too bloody minded for that as I don't like labels either! Take care xx


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