In the Dining Room

Change of venue today.  Into the Dining room.  Good reason for this is that I have popped a load of stuff out of the kitchen into the Dining room which now needs sorting out and that which can be got back into the kitchen will be, but as I have other items to bring through yet, I need to sort the Dining room to get everything organised and into place.  It is playing shuttle systems, but gradually things are getting sorted.

Last night for instance I re-established what herbs and spices I had in my stash.  They have all been sorted into some small boxes (two so far);  I still think that there are some more lurking but thus far have not found them.  However these are together and they are organised which is a big step forward in itself.  Next stage on these small boxes will be getting some of the cannisters on the side Welsh Dresser topped up, before organising jars for the items which have not as yet been bottled.  There are a lot of items that have not as yet made it into jars.  It will be good to get all of these items gradually sorted.  I also have a lot of flower heads which can be used in teas or in homemade toiletry items as well as syrups, soaps, oils etc.  

Today for instance, I have re-done my hair and used some dried Chamomile made into a wash to rinse my hair in.  I am a natural blonde with grey tints!  All are natural ingredients and simple things in the aim for self-care.

Talking of self-care I hope in the next few weeks to have a go at making a homemade Fire Cider.  I have been doing a little research into this (there are many different recipes) and think it might be a good thing for me to take on a daily basis during the winter months for colds etc. It actually reminds me of the medicine that I was given as a child when suffering from Tonsilitis, from the Herbalist.  That is apart from the fact that the mixture was thicker.  This natural Oxymel I think you would call it, was the only thing that kept me cold free for a few weeks and worked extremely well.  Dad was given the recipe but he lost it.  Interestingly it would appear to be good for fatigue as well and has a multitude of other practical uses too.  Now I do not know whether I will like this or not, I can but try and see whether it will make a difference or not.  At least if I try it, and it does not suit me, or I cannot cope with it, it will be another thing ticked off the list.  Can always use it up in salad dressings and cooking.  I am not giving in easily, but equally realistically I know that the fatigue does take things out of me, which I do not necessarily want to inflict on other people. Let us just say I hide a lot as I just do not want to be a burden or indeed a nuisance.  Therefore going to try this to see if it helps and makes a bit of a difference.  Might lead to nothing, who is to say.  What suits one person does not necessarily suit another.  However I would rather deal with natural probiotics rather than antibiotics!

I am also keen on having a go at making my own ACV, primarily for preserving, after testing the relevant acidity using litmus testing strips.  Strangely enough this is something that I have never had a go at; recent shortages though have made me think about making more use of leftover items and getting the best out of them; things like apple cores, peels and even apples that you have to cut bits out because of a bruise etc.

Quite a few things want to have a go at in due course to see whether they will fit in and can be used.  I am going to experiment in due course.  The first few months of the year always as a rule tend to be quieter and might be just the peace and quiet I need to get a few of these experiments under the belt, as well as continue making those tried and trusted things I make year in and year out.

We are not yet out of 2023 and yet I also intend to start Christmas 2024 from January making a few things here and there.  I would like to get some new handcrafted decorations ready for Christmas 2024.  I have a box set aside into which to put all these items once they are completed.  I also have plans for preserving items from January as well making use of what comes my way, which may be items that are reduced rather than strictly seasonal.   Will see how it goes, but that is my thinking at the moment.  I aim to be a little more organised, proactive and planning a lot better for making items than I have in years past.

The garden is also factoring into this as well. One of the jobs I have to do is sort out all my seeds again.  I had a bit of an accident and my neatly sorted storage box got dropped and everything got muddled up.  So it will be back to the drawing board on this.  It is a job I can do over Christmas though whilst listening to TV, radio or just sitting.

I hope to start Christmas 2024 off by making and planning  over the Christmas holidays when I should get the opportunity to sit for a while and concentrate on different items.  Needless to say I will have my notepad to hand.  There is also the UFO pile which I have not forgotten about.

Talking of pre-planning, I am also going to start collecting supplies for different craft projects that I want to have a go at. Just a few items here and there but it will help them build up quite quickly.  Quite a lot of these are paper or card projects and I will therefore need to stock up on these items.

Tea tonight is the Beef Bourguignon which I am very much looking forward to.  Wow was it gorgeous. Will definitely be making this again, although as usual I did make a few tweaks.  will probably pop a post up later, so that I have the recipe somewhere where I will not forget it.

We still have Lamb steaks to have this week and also another homemade pizza.  Hopefully then will be able to get to the Butcher.  Will need to go to the Veg shop in any event as I need eggs, and also onions.

Better than the last few days, but still tiny steps.  Will get there eventually.

Weather wise it has been cold and dreary.  Temperature went down to -3 overnight.  Predicted to go down to -3 again.  Will see how things go tonight.  No snow do not think we will get. Hope everyone has a lovely evening just keep warm and safe.

Catch you soon.




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