Christmas Miracles and Blessings

Very gratefully received.  I have been struggling for the past month in that the washing machine played up, we got it working and then it completely went.  As a result have had to wash everything by hand and then get G to wring everything out once I had done it, as I just cannot exert the pressure with my hands these days.  Literally been washing every day for at least half the day in an effort to keep things clean, on top of everything else.

To top all of that I have then experienced problems with my phone with it not working at all, even though the computer was working it was still a lot slower than it should have been, so I reported it as a fault.  Needless to say they could not locate what the problem was.  I tend to prepare a lot of my posts particularly for Instagram on my phone in any event and this has caused all sorts of bother.

This morning I have been truly blessed; my step-son and his wife when he found out quietly went out and bought us a new washing machine and it is here.  Have never felt so grateful for something that we all take so much for granted.  Thank you P & L, you really have made a real difference and made our Christmas.  G has not been in a particularly good place this past week or so in any event.  We were both left thankful and speechless (I tend to be quiet, but G can be very vocal and it totally shut him up).  Thank you so much you two, you really have made a difference.  Words will never adequately be able to express just what a difference you have made.  Made us feel very humble.  Things have been tougher than usual this year, with our rent going up £80 per month.  I know it is just not us going through the mire, but others as well. This has led to not being able to do things that we have specifically wanted to do. Like my nephews wedding I was not able to go.  It is not just about show for us, if we do not have the resources to do something then we literally do not do it and go without.  We do not always let on or say what is going on either.  Way was brought up and we live with what is going on until we get into a position to do something about it and even then sometimes things get sorted and at others never.

The second thing that happened is that somewhere along the line, the phone has sorted itself out and I now have phone reception and normal usage.

Very grateful on both parts.

Since then I have been pottering in the kitchen, getting some of the Christmas food prepared for tomorrow.  The ham was put into the soaking bowl in the fridge last night, water has been changed and will be cooked in the Ninja later on.  Pastry all  made, ready for the little production line for Coconut Cheesecakes, Mince pies, Sausage Rolls, Cheese and Bacon pockets.  Another couple of Rick Stein's fruit loaves have been made up and another couple of loaves of Banana Bread.  That should do for today, and I can always add in a few things here and there as we go along.  However, in essence not really ready for Christmas this year, just making the most of each day as it comes.

Still a load more things to do, but just thought would nip on and do a small update post.  Will post later tonight.

Very grateful for the blessings.

Catch you soon.




  1. A lovely gift from Step son and wife. We really do not realize how lucky we are with all of the mod cons. I have a hand written account of what my great aunt wrote concerning doing the weekly wash in the early 1900's. First the fires had to be lit, water fetched etc and that was just the start. Interesting reading.
    Just popping in to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2024.

    1. Hi Patricia, thank you so much. Seasons blessings to you too and for the New Year. Hope it is a more fulfilling one for all of us. P moved in when he was 10 years old and I raised him for over five years. His sister moved in six months later at the age of eight. Original wicked step-mum, but I have a pretty straightforward relationship with them both. They wanted to call me mum, but I have always stuck with the moniker "Tricia" and that I would always be their friend. Even the grandchildren call me Tricia. No muddled lines then. My mum told me horrors of my grandmother starting the fires at 6am on a Monday morning and washing everything by hand with only the use of the mangle and not finishing until 6pm of a night. Mind you there were 12 and then 11 to the family so a bit horrendous (10 children in a two up two down). The washing machine for me is very much the game changer in the kitchen. Bless their cotton socks. Still gob-smacked. Have a lovely time over Christmas hope you are going to your children take care Tricia xx

  2. Your step-son and DIL are angels on earth. This is a good and wonderful thing they did. You are resourceful, I don't think I could do the washing by hand. I'm glad the phone sorted itself out, we need our phones! I've got a pot of soup simmering for lunch. Enjoy your Christmas.

    1. Thank you Sandra, they are a lovely couple. We do not live in each other's pockets, but we have always told them that if they need help to come to us. Sort of reversed this time round a bit, but forever grateful to them for digging us out of a hole. It means a heck of a lot. I tend to be an untidy puss,(although am working on that) but one thing I do not like is things being unclean. I rely on the washer a lot. You have a lovely Christmas too Sandra take care Tricia xx

    2. Unexpected blessings are wonderful. May you and your family be blessed this Christmas and through the coming year

    3. Thank you Theresa I do feel very lucky. I hope you have a lovely Christmas tooxxx Tricia xx

    4. What a special lad you have there, Bless him. Merry Christmas Tricia, I hope 2024 is a good year for you - you take care, CraftyNan xx

    5. Thank you Crafty Nan. We are still speechless. It will save me so much time and effort rather than being a never-ending job. Must have done something right somewhere down the line. Very proud of him. His wife is lovely as well. If there is a problem I just tend to get on with things and deal with them in whatever way I can with what is available to me. Been brought up to be independent, and have bought the children up the same way too. Do not live in their pockets, but we are always there if they need help or being used as a "sounding board" by my step-daughter in particular if she is mulling over things and P goes to his Dad. Both know will give them all the options and then they are free to make their own minds up. Comes to me for this not her mum or her dad. I think I taught her too well. It is never easy in blended families and sometimes there is conflict for one reason or another. We have always tried our best for them no matter what the situation and both of them know that at the end of the day. Feeling very blessed. Hope you have had a lovely Christmas and hope the New Year is good for you and yours too. Hugs Triciaxx


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