Kitchen Potterings - Saving a Little Here and a Little There

I bought in some fresh Sage and fresh Thyme when I did the Christmas shop.  I have used what I needed of the Thyme and the Sage and in an effort not to waste anything I have popped up the remaining stems of Sage and the Thyme to dry.  I intend to do this on a regular basis through the year so as to build up a useful and hopefully substantial stash of various herbs for use in the kitchen through the year and in my preserving projects  I do not want to waste anything.

There was only a little stock from the Turkey and so that was used in the gravy for the main meal itself.  I do however have the carcass to boil up for stock.  That will probably happen tomorrow.  Friday I will then process the stock for the Pantry shelf.

There was however a lot of stock created from cooking the Ham and that has been strained and popped in the fridge for any fat to set.  I will then process this for some more Ham stock for the Pantry shelf.  Once I cook the Beef I will also once cooked use the bones for making Beef stock as well.

In our area I have not seen much celery locally for a while either.  I therefore picked up two packs when shopping as I intend to pop this in the Dehydrator so that I have a little stock of celery to hand for making other stocks. Stock making is becoming a regular occurrence in this household and sometimes buying in a bunch of celery and then not being able to use it is a bit of a waste.  I hate waste. Celery is strong and I do not like a lot of it, but a little does add a little bit more flavour.  Hopefully I will also this week get this into the Dehydrator.

I am saving the Clementine Peels to dry as well. I have various crafting uses for these, but also some culinary ones. I am also hoping to get a few more Clementine oranges as I have some Marmalades and also some Curds and a new short term preserve that I would like to have a go at in due course. A naughty one that I had hoped to make for Christmas but did not quite get there.

Equally a few weeks ago I made Banana bread for the first time.  I had never made it before, and I decided to have a go at it as it saved waste.  It also provided a very tasty snack and come again cake for having in the Pantry for when the fancy takes us.  I am quite taken with it.  I have decided that am going to do a few basics that we like on a regular basis this coming year.  Nothing fancy, but something practical for everyday living that just pads things out a bit.  Also some new to me recipes which I also want to have a go at.

When I was at school I loved baking.  One of the terms of my earning my pocket money for the week was that I had to help Mum in the kitchen during the week but also to help her on a Sunday morning to cook the roast dinner and to do the baking for the week.  I also then used to get to decorate the cakes - Mum used to leave me to it.  My Dad was determined that "no daughter of his would be unable to cook by the time she got married".  In any event I could fully cook and bake by the time I was 15.  We always had a roast dinner on a Sunday as that was the treat of the week for main meals.  We also used to have a proper Sunday afternoon tea as well, and we would cook cakes etc. alongside the roast dinner whilst the oven was on to get the best out of it.  

I also need to buy in a couple of reduced bread loaves specifically for dehydrating breadcrumbs. Buying reduced to create a batch at a reduced price is an ideal way of achieving this. Having the dried breadcrumbs ready to hand (a couple of bags that were left) really got me out of the mire on Christmas day with the stuffing.  They have kept really well too with being dried.  Need to replenish so always have to hand.  I think gone are the days of buying in stuffing mix.  This I like, as less reliance on the supermarket apart from ingredients.  Especially after my success with the stuffing on Christmas day.  I think in retrospect the more you cook, the more you realise the potential of those everyday items that you save and put into your own food storage no matter how small or insignificant.  I definitely need to get more herbs started this year with a view to making myself more self-sustainable in herbs to what I have been.  The garden is going to be a whole new challenge this year as I aim to get out there a lot earlier than I did last year.  Lots of ideas, plans and plots going on.  Will have to see whether they will materialise, but the inspiration is definitely there.

Anyway enough on the food front although I have several things to do in this respect as yet.

Today has been windy, cold and miserable.  As I have been busy on the cooking front for the past couple of days I have just relaxed, and watched a film, used the last of the sausages up for midday lunch.  Have also had some more of the Banana Bread.  Very "Moorish".  So a proper chill out day for me.  I had planned on doing some more baking, but have decided just to rest up. Tomorrow will be different I still have lots to do.

On a more daily basis, it would seem my attempts at keeping myself going in respect of my arm have paid dividends. I have managed to retrieve a lot of the movement back in my arm. The frustrating thing is that I can lose the movement in different places, and yet a couple of days later will be able to not move something else. It is what it is, but at least the movement is coming back. I am being cussed and working at it. Physio pleased, and apparently what is happening, can happen and it will be a case of working through it on a day by day basis. At least I have the exercises to use and find my way around things. My efforts seem to be paying off. Physio confirmed that the movement better than it has been. I am to see her at the end of January again and potentially this will be my last appointment with her. If have managed to stabilise the situation, I will then be passed onto a SOS situation for a couple of months. This basically means that when discharged if I have any further concerns, or problems I only need to get in contact by phone and will not need re-referring to the Department. I feel comfortable with that. I knew from the beginning that this would be up to me and I am determined to keep as much movement going in the arm as I can. I have too many hobbies and things that I do where I need to do this, so giving up has never been an option.  Always been one to push the boundaries!

Hope everyone has a good evening.

Still horrible and cold here; definitely duvet weather.

Catch you soon.




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