Making the most of what I have and Saying Goodbye to 2023

Our World is such a noisy world, such a destructive and chaotic one.  So much unnecessary Wars, warfare, death and anger which all pollutes the world as we know it and all down to too much ego and Testosterone!  There is no excuse for War and the damage it causes.

On a personal note, a difficult year for many and for ourselves as well.  However despite the difficulties we are very grateful for what has come our way. even though we have not been able to do what we wanted to do. We are having to go with life's flow at the moment, whether that be up or down and we deal with things as and when they happen.  It is in times of difficulty which makes you appreciate the good times even more.  When things are really tight, we end up not doing a lot of stuff basically because we cannot afford it.  However that does not stop creativity in fact on the contrary I would put forward that indeed it helps with things.  It certainly has come into play with the food I have been putting on the table.  Something I am very grateful for.

Difficulties also make you grow as a person; they are not situations that we would wish on one another. Often though, these are deep learning curves and rather than bemoaning the fact that this or that did not happen, you should be patting yourself on the back for having got through the situation or circumstances. At the end of the day it is about getting through things and then realising that you have not done too badly at all now that is a silver lining.  The practice of taking a situation and putting a positive spin on things.  I am not naturally a negative person and I do tend to drive everyone a little potty because at the end of the day I do believe in good things and a brighter future.  How that pans out though need not be how we envisage it should.  If things are going to happen they will in their own inimitable time and style.  We just have to go with the flow.

For Christmas we have been lucky enough to have had some lovely food which has been enough together with some of my homemade preserves.  Not our usual way, but these days we are making decisions on practicality and getting through rather than on what we fancy to eat.  That by its very nature does stretch you as you look for ways to make the best of what you have to hand.  My main requirement is that we have at the minimum of one hot meal every day.

There are many challenges going on at the moment primarily The Three Rivers Pantry Challenge hosted by Jessica of The Three Rivers Homestead which goes on between January and February.  One of the main points of this challenge is to use up all those items on your Pantry shelf in readiness for starting to re-stock in the Spring without having recourse to the shops.  Under normal circumstances I would take part in this challenge as I would have freezers to store food in - but as I do not have freezers this part is not relevant.  I also have not been proper bulk shopping for absolutely ages and have not been able to make as much on the preserve front as I would under normal circumstances this year. You can only do what you can do. As one of the main points of the Challenge is not to go to the shops during this period, I think at this precise time for me, this is just not a viable challenge.  However let us turn things on their head just a little bit lets make use of what we do have rather than what we do not.

For me therefore, although I will not be taking part in the Challenge this time round, I will however be looking to make the most of what does come my way and also make the most of the ingredients that I do have in stock at home at the moment.  I therefore can make things with what I have to hand in the house whether that be a shelf-stable homemade item such as homemade stock, or other preserves, some baking, puddings, homemade cereals like Granola or Muesli.  If we have the pennies to buy a few things from the Veg shop on the reduced section, I will try and make use of them to also put food on the Pantry shelf i.e. carrots, swede, potatoes, peas, soups etc.  Something is better than nothing, and it is of course making the most of what you have to hand.  I also have some dried Red Kidney Beans and some Chick Peas in the Pantry that I am going to process in order that I have them both ready for use straight off the Pantry shelf.  Food items for using in things like Chilli, soups and stews and making homemade Hummus and different variations of it.  If I find reduced veg such as Broccoli or mushrooms from the supermarket, I can also preserve those as well, the Broccoli can be processed so that you can use it in a Cheese and Broccoli soup (with either white or blue cheese).  If I can get hold of some squash I can also make soup for the Pantry shelf as well.

I have a few projects in mind over the next few days which do not involve me having to spend pennies at the shop, however, we will see how things go. This is mainly using stuff that I already have to hand in the house. I may not be able to do something every day, as I do have some other projects on the go as well.

In retrospect therefore 2023 therefore has not been a totally bad year but it has been a difficult year for all of us.  For some of us more than others.  I am therefore in the circumstances grateful for small mercies, not that I would wish harm on others in any event.

However, I had already decided that for 2024 I am going to focus on what does come my way and right from Day One I am going to be doing what I can to put food on my Pantry shelf. This is not only for the present but also for the future, including preserves for next Christmas and a whole load of other associated items. This is for practical reasons more than anything else.  I am older and much slower than I used to be at doing things but also this will help spread the money situation out a little bit further. For me though time is the greatest and most fragile asset it soon goes and for me a most important factor. This also applies to my crafting projects, (new and UFOs) and also homemade decorations for next Christmas as well.

I want to get back to a simpler way of life overall something more peaceful for my soul which should help me be more comfortable in my own skin at the end of the day.  Of late there have been many things that I cannot cope with - I do not know why I just cannot, even though my inaction ends up with others perceiving that I am intentionally hurting them which in reality is not the position at all.  I would rather hurt myself first.  However I can only do what I can do, I am not perfect or superhuman and when I am low I am not good to be around and I do tend to keep to myself when like this.  It is for the best.  It is what it is.  I have never been one for small talk in any event.

Today we will be having a proper Sunday lunch and I shall be cooking the aged beef bought for Christmas lunch with all the trimmings.  Very much looking forward to that.  Being practical as usual I shall of course make some stock from the bones even if it is only a little bit!

So as we head towards 2024 may I wish you more love and good health, happiness and peace wherever you may be.

Catch you on the other side.




  1. This has been the worst year of y life as my husband died in March . He was only 63. Reading this very thoughtful post has given me much to consider as I face my first New Years without him since 1988
    Thank you

    1. Siobhan I am so, so sorry and major hugs to you. My father died suddenly and we did not get to say goodbye to him. It left us rudderless and lost. My poor mum did not know what to do with herself after that. We are taught and learn how to love people from an early age but no one thing prepares you for losing them or how to live without them and that constant hole in your life and the firsts of everything or thinking oh will just tell them so and so. Then you realise you cannot. It does not get better the loss, but we do learn to live with it and carry on. It is not easy, but carry on it does. That is not minimising the importance of that person to you in your life and the after effects. My father would have been furious if we had not of carried on as would my Mum. There are good days, there are bad days. Take each day as it comes some will be a whole lot better than others, some will be worse than others. Grief is a funny thing and does not have any time limits as we grieve for the time we need to grieve and that is different for all of us. Be gentle on yourself as you would be to others as you count too. Let the tears fall in the quiet moments as each time you cry, it gets rid of the inner grief and stops it bottling up and then exploding. It is okay to give yourself permission to do this. My Mum always found the weekends the longest and we tried where we could to have her with us or to go over to her on a weekend day. She would see people during the week but not necessarily over the weekend and that made the days longer for her. In her later years I used to go over once a week on a Saturday to spend time with her and also clean her out for the week. I therefore got to spend some quality time with her and she even got me eating stew which I would never eat. Memories are the important thing to hold onto as memories are pure love and at the end of the day help with that family member living on in the minds and thoughts of their loved ones even though physically they are not with us. When you are ready you will dip your toes back into the well of life to suit your own rhythm and your own pace. Try not to isolate yourself either. Sometimes this happens because people do not know how to talk to you and do not want to upset you, but often this has the reverse effect. Is there something that you have always wanted to have a go at or learn for your own pleasure more than anything else. Follow through with that if there is, and try and locate any courses or workshops relating to that. It will keep your mind occupied and you will start to grow and confidence start to blossom as you learn more. You are incredibly important too in your own right. Feeding yourself is also important. I tend to cook these days for at least a couple of meals in one sitting and I use a 9 in one Ninja Foodi - which has all sorts of cooking functions on it for quick food cooking. I can have a whole chicken cooked in an hour a lot quicker than the oven. There are simple tricks to getting the most out of most things and there is always something that can be done. Sometimes this is just down to doing things a slightly different way or with a different approach. Time for you to get comfortable with you on a one to one basis and decide what you would like to do or to achieve. You have a lot to give and you will do that at your own pace and in your own time. If you need some ideas on the food front or just need a sounding board I will try and help where I can. Hugs Tricia xx

  2. Tahnk you for all your posts. Have a good 2024.

    1. Love and happiness for the New Year to you too xx


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