A Quiet Sunday afternoon

 A quiet Sunday afternoon here apart from the appalling weather.  As the afternoon has gone on the wind has become more beligerent and is now howling its head off.  Keep safe and keep warm wherever you are.

I decided to award myself the luxury of some down time today.  So I downed tools  got my self healing cutting board out, my scissors and some fabric in order to start the next phase of my Patchwork quilt project by actually starting to mark my fabric and then cut out.  I have made some steady progress as a result. At the time of writing this post, I think I have cut approximately 48 patches.  At the moment I am aiming for a box full of patches so that I can sit of an evening or when I have some time elsewhere and bring the Hexies together with  my needle.  I also intend to inter-mingle plain patches and perhaps embroider some of the patches as well, but that will be further down the line.  I have to have a rummage through my vintage tablecloth and tray cloth stash as well to see if there are any bits suitable for recycling in the quilt as well.  The base of the quilt is pinks, pastels, creams, whites, turquoise, greens, lilacs, pale blues etc.  It consists of well known fabrics by Laura Ashley, Kath Kidston, and other well known brands that I have bought, collected, swapped out or inherited.

It has been nice to do absolutely nothing apart from concentrate on my project in hand. Proper crafting time.  I need to keep the momentum up on this.  In reality I am cutting "Hexies" from the fabric available to  me, but some of  the fabric patches may not make it into this particular quilt but may be diverted to some other projects.  Depends how the colours come together at the end of the day.  You have to play with the pieces to get the maximum effect from them at the end of the day.  None of the hard work will be wasted at all though.

G has not been very happy at all my work.  However, it will be ongoing I am not stopping now.  I wish I could spend more focused time on every project I do, but I end up being dragged off elsewhere nine times out of ten through no fault of my own.

Tea has been chicken again with all the trimmings (left over from the other day).  We had a pudding as well I had a couple of packets of Angel Delight one Butterscotch and one Banana.  G does not do Butterscotch so he had the Banana.  Me I liked both of them, but ended up with the Butterscotch.  Made a change anyway.

Right back to some more fabric cutting.  The animals are warm and snug and out for the count.  Television is on which G is watching. 

Off to do my thing.

Catch you soon.




  1. I have a hexi project on the go. Just grab a handful and sew them into strips and then fill in the blanks. no rhyme or reason. It's bright, lol


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