Sunday Catch Up

I enjoyed my crafting afternoon yesterday and evening (Sunday).

I managed in the end to cut over 60 patches.  I have also started to tack a few up,  Managed two, and have organised a container I have for working these patches long term. The inserts in the tray will be ideal for bringing the colours together of the patches as well.  I am trying to work things neatly and so that everything is stored safely.

Some of these fabrics will be used in the quilt, but none will go to waste.  They can always be used in other projects.  Half the battle with patchwork is getting the pieces/patches to blend well and sit well with each other.  I am using fabrics that have been gifted, swapped, bought and reclaimed from old cotton men's shirts.  I love the lilac fabric above but am not sure at the moment about the two blue fabrics.  Will see how it goes. I intend to use cream cotton for the background colour to blend in with the colourway for my bedroom and also the different fabrics being used. I like Hexie throws/quilts anyway, so nothing will be wasted.  This would be a really good project to take with me when we get down to the caravan again as I will be able to work on this whilst travelling in the car on the long journey down.

From now on in I am going to report say once a week on any progress made as I work away at this huge project. I will probably do an update next Monday night (and Monday thereafter for a little while).  This will however be dependent upon what I have been able to do (if anything).  So Monday night's technically "Patchwork report". There will be other ongoing UFO projects being slotted inbetween as well, but this project will be going on in the background.

One of the first projects to be worked (UFO wise) will be to finish off the crochet hot water bottle covers that I started quite a way back.  I am not using a pattern for this and have been making it up as I work along.  I have prepared two covers for two hot water bottles that match.  I need to work the backs and also the opening and neck sections.  They should not take me too long, once I can focus on them.  Have been putting this off for a while.  Been pushed to the forefront because I was using the box that is now the patchwork piecing box for storing it in.  In any event, I need to find my pink cotton sheeting to stitch an under-cover for the crochet one.

My bed is a super-king size and the mattress and base is deep so the quilt needs to be able to hang quite a way down each side.  I have not made a record of the time spent so far, but I may well put the timer on per week to work out how many hours of effort are going into this quilt. (and add an estimate for all the work have completed thus far). I am also keeping usable scraps from the fabrics as well as I think that they could come in useful for other projects I have in mind.  I particularly like Fan patterns and the Dresden Plate pattern.

I have also managed to find another load of Christmas patchwork fabric as well.  I knew I had some more but had been unable to locate it.  That has been put into the Christmas fabric box for safe-keeping.  There are Christmas projects that I would like to get done this year as well, which have been in the pipeline for quite some time.  Most of these will be worked on the sewing machine though when I get to them.  As I have said am trying to be more organised than I have been, and trying to tackle things as I go along.

So that is another thing technically organised.  Now for the hard graft.

Catch you soon.




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