Shopping Habits and a very simple tea

These have changed as they have had to in line with the price increases in food and a limited income.  They have had to. All of us have had to adjust what we do in order to survive and I consider myself lucky. Whereupon I used to buy for what we needed plus a generous buffer, so that I had replacement items available in the Pantry, at the moment that is not the case.  When I go shopping it is mindful shopping that will essentially provide a couple of good meals at least.  However that does not stop me mithering (on the inside at least) about being able to re-stock my Pantry so that we have a healthy supply of what I consider basic items.  Yesterday I spoke about what I had bought at Iceland Food Warehouse.  Today have been to Waitrose for one or two items and to have a look around. I think to develop my Pantry supplies that bit more I am going to have to get a bit more nitty picky with the ingredients I do have to hand and when they are used and being more frugal which means where possible the return of the eating plan for at least a few days at a time.

Have come back with two 1.5kg bags of wholemeal flour at £2 a bag.  This is going to be used for making homemade bread; in reality this will be a 50:50 blend of strong white and wholemeal flour, although I may well play with these ratios.  Two bags, in reality is not enough for me, I wanted to buy in the flour for the month. Preferably from Waitrose and/or Shipton Mill.    Someone was not having it though. I get very frustrated with him, not listening. So we will see how far this gets us. I do prefer the security of knowing I have basic items for the month where I can and I although I am reasonably good at stretching things, there is only so much stretch available.

I have also bought some Fennel.  I intend to make a batch up of the Souper Mix for the Pantry shelf to use along with all the other stock I have made.  Layers of flavour give different additions to cooking.  I need to get parsnip, carrot, sweet potato, celery, squash, onions (yes am out of onions again), together with the Fennel should make a few good bottles of the mix.  I have some swede in the fridge which I will also use.  Whilst in Waitrose I noted that they have plenty of Oranges in Sevilles, etc. as well as what are called easy peelers (mini oranges like Tangerines/Clementines).  These were priced at £2.50 a net.  I may have to go and get some of these for my annual Marmalade session. Can always use Marmalade up here in either general eating, cakes, marinades/sauces etc.

Also bought some petit-pois, Asparagus tips (a little treat will be cooked with chicken and probably a flan made too being as we have some cheese again), and Broccoli. Have also bought in a large pack of Portobello mushrooms. I will stock up towards the end of the week for the rest of the basic veggies I like to keep in as a matter of course. A large chicken has also come home, as well as Redcurrant jelly (which goes into my gravy), and Marigold vegetable stock. Also some cheese 

Beauvale - Cropwell Bishop (  

which is superb and which is absolutely yummy.  If you have not tried it before I really do recommend this one.  We have been buying this from Waitrose for a while from their Cheese Counter where they cut the quantity you want for you.  Have not seen it in the fridges.

Cheddar cheese has also been bought.  G went and got a couple of large packs from Morrisons together with a Pork loin joint earlier on.

We need to buy veggies, onions, eggs.  Milk am stocked up on. I also have plans to make some curd cheese (which I have mentioned before) need to get some lemon though and also yogurt.

I also in reality like to be able to buy reduced veggies and make something of them for the Pantry shelf.  At the moment that is not happening, but will do what I can with what I have to hand as I have said before.  I am intent on getting baked goods like bread and homemade puddings, pastries and a few cakes onto the Pantry shelf as well as preserves of different kinds.  I want to experiment further with different things as well in the longer term.

I am also probably this weekend coming going to sit and sort my seed boxes out and start planning some kind of outline with what I want to do in the garden. I do need to go into the garden and strip it out, but I can do some planning until a milder day appears.  Hopefully this will happen soon where I can go out well wrapped up and start plugging away.  The greenhouses are also to be moved for this year.  So a lot of work to get done.

Tonight's tea is an unseasonal Prawn ring each with wholemeal bread and butter. This is so I can start sorting a few things that need to be sorted out for the Pantry shelf and organised before I start on the Pantry organisation big time.  Tonight's little project is to sort out my cake decorations and try and decant them all into one box if I can.  I want to have a look next time I go to Home Bargains to see what they currently have available and what I can add to the stash. They usually have pancake sauces, mixes that sort of thing around this time of year so shall have a shifty when we go.  Pancake Day - Shrove Tuesday is on the 13 February 2024 this year.  Mind you I am always happy to have a pancake or two.  A favourite with me.

I also intend to make up some more Pantry mixes as well to make my life easier but I do need some more Ziplock bags for this.  Pancake Mix/Waffle mix is on the list.  Also some cookie mixes and one or two other useful items. 

Later tonight, I will sit and cut another load of inner templates for the patchwork quilt project.  I am hoping to cut up to 500 paper inner templates this week before going on to cut an outer template for tracing onto my chosen fabric and then cutting those patches out.  I am trying to streamline each element of this quilt.  I already have 200 paper inner templates cut in two evenings which includes tracing them onto paper.  Another 300 to go then to start with.  If get these done the pressing of the fabric and the marking of the template onto the fabric and the cutting will then commence.  I need to sort out a lightweight box to house them all in. There will then be a tacking session and lastly the hand sewing of each panel.  I want to be in a position where I have plenty to sew, but then continuously add more of everything as I go along.  That is the outline plan anyway.  Sorry if I am repeating myself.  I am just so chuffed to be starting to make baby steps on this project and I am determined to get it finished.  There is a lot to do.

Hope everyone is keeping warm and safe.  Been a bitter day here weather forecast predicts temperature drop between -4 and -5 later tonight/early morning.

Fortunately I now have a new hot water bottle with cover, which is keeping me lovely and toasty.  My feet are always cold and I have some fur lined boots for wearing in the house to try and keep them warm.  My arm was giving me some grief this morning and so with the residual heat from the hot water bottle I placed it on my shoulder and did my exercises.  Seemed to ease things off a fair bit, so shall do that again of a morning just to get things going a bit more easier.

Take care and catch you soon.




  1. You are busy! I brought some tomatoes and shredded zucchini (courgette) from the basement freezer for sauce in a couple of days. And frozen fish for tomorrow. I order groceries for pick up from Aldi about once a month and fill in from the local deli as needed. Because I have two freezers I don't need to process food for pantry storage and I'm glad of that. I quit canning at least a dozen years ago! I commend you for your commitment in providing for yourselves.

    1. Thank you Sandra. Its not perfect and I cannot put up what I would ideally like to put up. However have to be grateful for what I have and what I can do. Your sauce sounds as though it will be lovely. I love Courgette. Going to look for some reduced ones to spiralise them and have a go at homemade Courgettini to reduce the carbs a bit and to serve with a Ragu sauce. I often fry Courgette up together with some red Sweet Pepper and serve with bacon and egg for my partner. Just mixes things up a little bit. Some of the things are only simple, but they all have their place. I know many others are far worse off than myself. I am just in my usual fashion just trying to deal with the humps in the road and trying to plan as much as anyone can do at the present with what I have to hand. Something in hand no matter small is better than nothing at all. Over next few days have plans to buy some reduced bread and make further bread crumbs, bread sauce and also plain croutons. Have also bought salted peanuts to make a new batch of homemade peanut butter which I love and can be used in cooking, baking and spread on bread. Chocolate and Peanut butter and I am in seventh heaven. I am also going to pop up a few "Pantry" mixes i.e. Dumpling mixes (for stews), some Bread sauce mixes and also some Sage and Onion stuffing mixes. Also thinking of putting up some cookie mixes as well. However I do need some little Ziplock bags for this purpose as I do not have the capacity to keep in jars. I have a basket that I pop the mixes into which although not the tidiest keeps all the homemade mixes together. Has worked out well in the past, but looking to expand on this where I can. I do miss my freezers terribly. I had two wine coolers as well which I lost one of which was bought for me to have a go at homemade delicatessen stuff, which unfortunately did not get to. Things will turn around eventually. Also looking to make some more wine too. Going to try and do some stuff in the garden again and keep my eyes out for wild things too such as wild garlic that sort of thing when the time is right. Want to have a go at making homemade pasta and drying it for storage in the pantry too. Lots of ideas buzzing around as usual. There's always something going on here. It is just the depth that varies. Keep safe and warm Tricia xx


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