A Surprising Day

...... well for me in any event, as I did not end up doing what I had planned on doing.  But there we are these things are sent to try us.

I am a lot better than I was yesterday although still hurt.  We have rain again at the moment and I suspect that is the reason why. Thank you for your good wishes from yesterday.

There has been a lot of moving stuff around today.  Not into any particular place just trying to locate certain items and get them into use.  As a result of that locate and seize exercise, there is now far more work to do than there was when I started but there we are these things happen and I have another load of washing to do as a result.  I am coming to the rapid conclusion though that I am no longer any use at lifting stuff up at all - I really struggle to hold things up these days when lifting, even though my upper arm strength has increased to what it was.

Needless to say though as a result of shifting around and searching for stuff a little more space has been achieved or will be eventually when I have all the ancillary work sorted out as well. Even thought it is a small space that has been freed  up it is enabling me to keep having a go here and there clearing items and getting rid of those no longer needed. I have also found items I have been looking for, for absolutely ages.  I knew that I had bought a second box of Hex bottles (sauce bottles and lids) but had been unable to locate them.  I thought that they had been one of the casualties of the shed.  I am pleased to report that I have found the new box of sauce bottles all 60 of them which I am extremely pleased about. Chuffed to little bits about this. That means I can now start on making both savoury and sweet sauces for the Pantry shelf as well.  I also use these bottles for cordials such as Elderflower Cordial.  They are a nice size and it means that none of the precious preserve goes to waste as a result of being in too big a bottle.  Together with my growing collection of Star Bucks coffee drinks in glass bottles should be well set for processing sauces, cordials, ketchups homemade liqueur type drinks.  

Universe has been looking after me.  It is only something simple but it has meant a lot to me as I love to be able to preserve.  I am gearing up for a little session in any event as not been able to do much just recently for one reason or another.

Hopefully the house will be recovered over the next week or so by getting items slowly where needed and getting rid of those items no longer required

It will be a pick and mix tea this evening.  Probably cheese, crackers, pickled onions, chutney that sort of thing.  We have eaten incredibly well in the past ten days or so and every so often you just have to come up for a breather.  We are not hungry per se just need a lighter eating night am blessed in this regard.

Right am off to top up the washer and get the next load of drying in.  It is a miserable wet evening weather wise here and has gone a little chilly.

Keep safe, keep warm, keep happy.  Feel the joy in each day what it brings for you and the potential it offers.  Am counting my blessings.

Catch you soon.




  1. I think now I have it figured out why you have a lot of boxes and crates holding unknown items. You had a shed where these items were stored and now you don't? They had to be moved en masse quickly? We moved here 30 years ago and it took me years to get everything that had been put in the basement sorted through. So I get it.

    1. Sandra, initially G and I were going to be here a maximum of 2 years and then buy our own home. Came close to it but things went wrong just as we were about to sign the first part contract agreeing to buy with partner's job. With two young children at home at the time we opted not to go ahead. Job sorted itself out but opportunity lost. Lots of other things have happened over the years as well with partner being over the years out of work for over 12 years so that did not help. I had a large unit where I stored most of the articles but when I was made redundant I had to bring everything home. Have also inherited stuff since then so the situation has never quite resolved itself. It will eventually, but it is the age old question how long is a piece of string. Usually a lot longer than you think it is. At least at the moment am starting to sort out that which I am going to keep and then decide what to do with the bits I am not so keen on. I have a lot of inherited pieces as well which are non-negotiable as they have a lot of memories with them, of my family. G and I have been here 37 years! Take care Tricia x

  2. It is always a bit frustrating when you first seem to make more of a mess than anything else when you start this sort of work. I have a small 1 bedroom apt. and the last time I sorted through my pantry it took over a week to get it done as I was always moving one group to get to another. But - in the end it all got done and it was worth it. Your pantry is very well stocked and the fact that you have found so many "lost" items means you will be able to do so much more now. I am looking forward to reading all about your preserving.

    1. Hi Margie, I do not need an excuse to make a mess. I am pleased that I have the best part of the Pantry sorted though. Still a way to go and I have the cupboard under the stairs to sort out and squeeze more stuff into as well, Real life things to deal with before get to that though. I will get there. Take care Tricia x


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