Not much achieved today

I seem to have been hit by fatigue again. It is what it is so have to go with the flow.

G has had to go off for an eye appointment today and when he goes out I will end up babysitting a certain Jack Russell who otherwise is a wreck so no progress downstairs at all.  In actual fact I may just pass trying to do anything today apart from tea.  Might not be having the planned Cottage Pie depends on whether G is happy with that.  His appetite is a bit all over the shop at the moment.  In most likelihood will try and sort out some other bits and bobs instead that although will not achieve much, will actually need doing in any event at some point.  So a way of getting on a little further but out of sequence!

As suspected G not into anything really for tea. For the past few mornings he has had a proper fry up to start his day off.  Given him the option of what he would like to eat - Answer  - Cheese on toast.  As I have said before we tend to eat relatively well for the best part so an off day here or there will not do much harm.  I am having the remainder of the Cannelloni left over from last night as it was delicious.  Thoroughly enjoyed it the second time around as well.

Hopefully will be back into the swing of things tomorrow on the food front!  I am hoping that listening and resting to my body fr a change will see an upturn in energy again tomorrow so that I can get on with things.  Not being able to do things when I want to get on with them really infuriates me.  Cest la vie.  

So pleased that the lighter evenings are happening at long last.  Now to make the most of the daylight hours going forward.

So much to do still.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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