Back to the sorting out

After an early call because Missy was a little under the weather 6:30am, I then got up made a cup of tea for Missy and myself.  Got her sorted and comfortable again which involved having her on my lap in my arms until she started to nod off I then got dressed and went down to cook breakfast.

Only simple stuff Bacon and Mushroom sarnie for himself and a fried egg sarnie for me, washed down but further tea but more than enough.

Weather was lovely first thing, with bright sunshine, but temperature dropped a little, wind has got up and it is "greyer" with the odd outburst of sunlight.  Will see how the rest of the day pans out, I think we are on the edges of the storm.

Well after the early start, Missy, Mischief and G were out for the count by 11:00am.  Me, have not succumbed, but have got on with what I need to do today.

Today it is back into the bedroom to carry on the sorting out.  Did better than I anticipated last night and made a big dent but still a long way to go so upwards and onwards let the battle commence. Sounds odd, and maybe I am a tad masochistic, but I am enjoying doing this.  Oddly cathartic, after such a long time in trying to get stuff done. I am working on a bag at a time or an item at a time and everything is being tidied and sorted as I go along.  Perhaps a little long-winded but I am after saving myself some work in the longer term.  At least the next sort out with some of these items will be getting basic equipment back where it needs to be so it is easy to find. Also very surprised at just what I have to do.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited some of the smaller projects will get done in the next couple of weeks or so.

I must say that it is good to find so many things.  As things have been moved around in the house and the unit, not sure where a lot of stuff is.  This all needs sorting as at some point ideally want to get rid of the unit.  However, I have a lot of books in the Unit.  Some will need thinning, but I still need to be able to store them in the house.  Once the Lounge is done I can probably see if can find some more book shelves or at least try and squeeze a few in there which I think may be feasible.  Will see when we get that room sorted.  However back bedroom first.

I am also sorting out a first aid section; basically items that have got a little damaged or come apart.  I have a couple of picture frames that have done this, which with a bit of glue will be as good as new again.  I do however have to source some smaller frames cheapies with glass in as I have managed to break one or two panes of glass as have gone along.

Have sorted out a stack of larger picture frames.  I have some vintage embroidery to clean and display in frames. Some of it from the 1930's or thereabouts. I have been buying a few frames here and there in order to do this and will just need to get the mounts cut.  I have found the rest of my acid free mounting board as well, so slowly getting geared up to do actual projects.  I have some lovely pieces and I know I am lucky in this respect.  However I do have a deep love of handmade items. I have collected many of them here and there over a very long period of time.  Sometimes there are years inbetween when nothing is bought.  I hope one day to have a gallery wall displaying these pieces but it will have to be somewhere out of the sunlight, as the threads will fade if exposed.  I thought maybe the staircase will be a good place to display these. Some people get very iffy if you have a go at making something for them (and do more than a reasonable job in the process as well as provide something very individual).  Often I have found it is more about labels with those individuals more than anything else. This I find very sad, as so much love is poured into a handmade piece to execute and bring it to life, which you do not get with bought items.

I am however getting a lot of satisfaction in slowly dealing with things.  Maybe one day I will manage to work my way through the house!  Now that would be something to shout about.

I now have quite a huge pile of paperwork on my desk to start sorting through. In fairness some of it is recipes, and some of it is crafting project charts, information that sort of thing.  I shall start wading my way through and do it a bit at a time.

Today however, has been very rewarding.

Tea for me is a steak and onion sandwich.  G is having steak and mushroom and chips.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

After tea I shall continue and do a bit more.

Catch you soon.




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