Bitting and Bobbing

Sorry real life has been in the way a bit.  In any event, after my few down days - I have decided to try and re-set myself and get myself into a better routine and try and sort myself out a bit.    I am doing this for me and my wellbeing at the end of the day.  

It is Spring, the lighter nights, and lighter mornings I have yearned for are now here and I want to take advantage where I can.  My daily schedule is a mess I am missing a chunk of the day but am seeing more of the night.  Not the way it should be.  I need to get up earlier of a morning instead of getting engrossed in TV late at night which leads to later mornings.  When the mornings are lighter this is when I feel inspired to get on with stuff but my weak point on one of my medical conditions is the morning as this is when I am most prone to any kind of seizure. It is about three years since the last one and I do not want anymore if I can help it.  Blood sugar levels are lowest in the morning as well which is why it is always wise to have some breakfast.

I have set a pedometer app on the phone to see how many steps I walk approximately in a day. Now to remember to keep my phone on me so that it records them! Some days it has been negligible but in all reality when I start to do stuff and sort stuff out that is when the steps mount up as you just go with the flow and they accumulate naturally.

I am also keeping up a daily schedule of simple exercises to help my shoulder as well as having the hot water bottle on my shoulder at night.  Thus far for the best part I am comfortable with incidents of discomfort far reduced although still sporadically happening.  However I feel I am getting there and I am starting to get more flexibility when I do upper arm exercises as a result which I am pleased about.

Now to introduce some stomach and core exercises as well as some minor work for the legs.  Just gentle stuff however think it will all help at the end of the day.  The point here is that it has to be gentle to get the maximum effect.  

This whole exercise includes dealing with the house as well.

Today - Tuesday was not a particularly early start, but from now on in it will be.  Back to setting alarms to get me up.  Need to recover some discipline.

Have therefore started cleaning out the study/craft room today. Wiped down paintwork and washed floors. We have laminate flooring in this room. Slowly cleaning and working it in segments and this evening I shall start to tackle the desk with the sewing machine and embroidery machine on.  Will probably finish that sometime tomorrow.

Tomorrow if it is a fine day I will strip the bed and get all the bed linen into the washing machine and out onto the line.  If not a fine day will maybe defer to later in the week as I really want the freshness of the laundry smell after being hung out on the line.  Like the smell of fresh bread it is a favourite.

At the moment for tea having some of the cooked Gammon with mustard in sarnies.  Not really in the mood to cook either which is not helping, but the Gammon has turned out well, there is a lot of it and it is very tasty.  Cooking a ham hock or a Gammon joint is a long family tradition on both sides of the family.  Provided something for sarnies for lunch and packups during the week, stock went into soups and scraps could be added to a cheese sauce and then added to a pastry case to make a flan to go with salads or indeed with chips or indeed added to an aspic or vegetarian jelly until set which can also be served in a similar way.  An old way of using up little bits of meat to make them stretch further.

In any event am going to finish off then sit for a bit.  Do not want to lose momentum in getting things done.  It is always lovely when a room is bottomed out and is lovely and clean again.

Weather forecast is looking good for the weekend and so I hope to get into the garden a bit then.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited.

Tonight however it is chilly and pouring down with rain.  Not sure what the forecast is for tomorrow.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.



Once the computer room/craft room/study is completed tomorrow will then go into the kitchen and start again in there.  Will not be cooking per se until it is cleared and then I may spend a day cooking making various bits and bobs.


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