Now the Pantry is Tidied -The Kitchen Day One

 ...and I can find things, and know when I have run out of something.  I have now absorbed the Pantry back into my routine for cleaning.  It is so much easier to clean now and I also tidy as I go along in there and keep on top of things.  Sometimes doing a good bottom out of a specific area can pay dividends. However, I still do not have everything in the Pantry! Probably will not have for some time as I need to source some more jars.  However, I will have by the time I am finished.  I keep using bits, and adding bits as I go as well, which I think is also helping.

I am finding I am going in and out of the Pantry for things, to both add in and re-stock or to take out as a normal part of my everyday cooking routine.  I prefer a Pantry which is an integral part of the kitchen i.e. in the kitchen or in a room off the kitchen.  So much easier.

One of the reasons that I chose white paint for the Pantry is that it makes a good clean looking backdrop to a room which makes it look fresh.  If it becomes "grubby", it can be washed and then a fresh coat of paint added if need be.  Years ago as a matter of routine Pantries used to be stripped out once a year and refreshed in this manner usually well in advance of Preserving and Harvest time. As the plaster was different then I believe that they used a form of paint called a "Distemper". It is my plan that next year probably in January that the Pantry will be refreshed again. Note for the Diary or file forwards!  I love colour, but this is an old house and the plaster is not fantastic.  The white believe it or not hides a multitude of sins.

In the meantime, I will wash down shelves as I go along and the floor will be washed on a regular basis.  I will also keep an eye out for accidental spills - these happen no matter how careful you are.

Therefore for all the effort put into this tiny storage room, it is paying me back for use and also for management and I am enjoying using my Pantry once again.  It is comforting to know that you have a steady supply of things to get you through both good and bad times.  Held me in good stead over the last 40 years or so.

Now this vital little room is all "spick and span", I can turn my attention to the kitchen. I have been threatening this for a few days, although in any event I have been tackling the craft room and have now started on the back bedroom.  Today however is kitchen day as I want to get back to cooking simple good nourishing food for meals.  Meals do not have to be complicated.  I think I have much simpler tastes than G.  I am quite happy with a comforting soup, stew, scrambled eggs that sort of thing.  However that does not mean I do not jazz them up a little bit every now and then.

Plans for the Kitchen

Therefore a full strip out is being attempted today.  For the best part the cupboards are under control, just stuff to put away, worktops to re-arrange, wipe down and put stuff back on.  The oven needs stripping (always a messy job).  I also need to wipe down the top of the cupboards and take the equipment off, leave it bare for G to dab some paint on.  Should have done this the other week but did not get to it despite the best of plans.  My attention was diverted elsewhere.

I also have to tackle the under-sink cupboard as the shelf has come off its hinges and I need to take everything out, wipe it down and then re-fill it again once the shelf is in-situ.  I might need help with the shelf.

The washing machine will also be whirring along, the radio playing (I like a bit of music whilst I am working).  We have had some early morning rain (yes I was up early this morning); I had hoped to get washing out, not sure will be able to, but can always keep my fingers crossed. Depending on how well I get on with the kitchen, I might get a little bit of baking done.

I have also bought a few things down from the back bedroom into the dining room that need to go into the kitchen.  I have two sets of plastic drawers which I use to store my hand gadgets and other cooking and baking equipment.  One is permanently in the dining room, and I have another one upstairs.  I need the storage room for the kitchen bits and bobs so may have to re-organise the stacks.  I do not have any drawer storage in the kitchen at all, and this is my little hack to keep all the bits and pieces together.  Very much needs tidying up.

The Progress

The back door lobby/entrance which faces the Pantry door has been swept and washed out and the door curtain washed.

Pantry had already been sorted.

Now in the throes of doing a large pile of washing up before then attempting to squeeze it all into the cupboards.  This includes items from the dining room that had already been washed but have got a little dusty due to not being in the right place.

I will then scrub down the sink and draining boards and the tile work around the sink.  Will then set about sorting out the under-sink cupboards to rectify the shelf and restore Law and Order to the shelves.

Then a wipe down of the Dishwasher and the washing machine and the soap powder cupboard.  That will be one side of the kitchen all done and dusted.

Then to work back the other way.

Sort out the lobby in front of the bathroom door, empty and wash out the indoor waste bin.  Sweep and wash floor area.

Then set about wiping down the Microwave oven and the little electric oven with the Rotisserie in.

Can then work back down the cupboards, washing and polishing the outer doors of the cupboards.

Worktop and appliances need clearing, wiping down and re-locating in readiness for their next use.

Top of upper cupboards need to be cleared and washed down in readiness for the area between the cupboards and the ceiling to be painted.

Last thing to be done will be to scrub out the cooker.

Actual Progress on the Kitchen

Apart from the bulk of the washing up nothing much. Therefore will be back into the kitchen tomorrow for Day 2 when it should all be done and dusted.

Have had to stop for this evening as I have run out of dry tea towels as well that has stopped play a bit.  I need to get a boil wash on later for these.  I also have a bad back from all the bending, scrubbing and washing.

One of the reasons for not accomplishing this was that I was taken out to go to get soap powder, fabric conditioner and stain remover.  Washing up liquid and dish cloths as well as some Fairy Liquid.  Unusually for me I had run out of soap powder and conditioner. 

Also nipped into The Food Warehouse for a few foodie items as well.  Not a big shop this month as I have been getting used too, however that is how the cookie crumbles.

As I have run out of eggs, onions and potatoes and as I tend to buy these in bulk, we are looking to source these from elsewhere for a change.  G had seen an advert for a chap selling unwashed eggs so is looking into it for me.  Preserving thoughts came to mind immediately on seeing this.

This week I have had a lot of recyclable stuff saved and washed.  Bottles from my Starbucks coffees, milkshake, mushroom cartons, butter cartons and jam jars.  All will go on to be used elsewhere.  Mushroom cartons and butter cartons have been washed out and intended to be used for seeds. Bottles and jars have been put into the stash.  Some of these are going to be needed very soon indeed.

Therefore today was an early start and I have about had enough.  Intend to sit and do some crafting this evening and watch a little bit of TV rather than start on the bedroom again.

At the moment it is very windy, for the last couple of hours we have had some Sunshine, but it has turned cold.  Looks like I will be having my hot water bottles again tonight; for the past couple of nights have not needed as has been so much warmer.

Right am off to get some tea.  Curry tonight with rice and Naan bread.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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