Slowing up a Bit

Yesterday was reasonably successful in getting items sorted, however, naturally and by its very nature some of the work that I am doing in the back bedroom is tedious and involves paperwork and filing. I hate filing it does my back in.

I am however very slowly getting everything sorted and easily accessible. This in itself is a success even though it is by far from being completed. This in itself has slowed up some of the progress of Friday.  I did manage to sort out two bags worth of paperwork that was just lurking yesterday (Saturday).  I do have a lot more to go at though.  All part and parcel of the bigger picture though.  All being sorted as I am going along. Therefore even if things do get stacked up in piles again, those piles are sorted and are further on than they were and the rubbish and mess has gone.

I have also gone through all the bills, contacts, that sort of thing and made a central list of account numbers, references, contact address, emails etc.  One of the things I have on a regular basis is that G needs something and then we end up turfing things around unnecessarily because he cannot locate the relevant information.  Thought it would be better if it was all centralised and so I am about half way doing that as well.  Wheels within wheels, but hopefully it will stop some rows because he is too impatient and has to have everything there and then but does nothing to promote this.. One of the side effects of his Bipolar, which can be difficult to deal with.  Therefore a broom is being swept through the proverbial cupboards on all sorts of levels.  I will get this ship back on track one way or another.  There will be hard copies and binders, in any event.  I am afraid I do not believe in a paperless society when it comes to proving documentation.  Things can be too easily lost on a computer.  A Hard copy is often worth its weight in gold.  Having been a Director's secretary for 10 years and then a legal Secretary for over 35 years old habits die hard!

Today. (Sunday) I have carried on with the back bedroom.  It is going to take a while.  However I am in the mood to progress a little further on.  Tomorrow (Monday) will be dedicated to the kitchen!

I am also going to prepare emergency lists as well.

The next job will then to get all important documents scanned and onto the computer as well.  Things such as Divorce documentation Decree Absolutes, Passports, Birth Certificates etc.  Just in case we need them also in a hurry.  At one time I did have all of this up to date.  However I appreciate that we are getting older and things do change quite a bit, although I am aiming to grow old disgracefully!

Tea tonight was quite simple, roast chicken and some of the Ham from earlier in the week served with pickles, chutneys and mustard.  It has been warmer here today and the food reflects this, although it has been awfully windy.

This week I hope to be able to start tackling some of the UFO projects and get them sorted out a little at a time.

Tuesday though will be back in the bedroom progressing onwards (will probably end up starting to sort out again tomorrow night in all reality).

Have a lovely evening everyone, keep safe wherever you are.

Catch you soon.



Slowly taming the bags of UFOs and have also sorted out a small embroidery box with just pearl embroidery threads only today.  I need to make a small repair to the box but the contents will be easily removable to do this.  I am collecting a few projects to repair en-masse as well.  Rather than go and repair it now, and lose focus, I am trying to be time efficient and as have said will deal with all the repairs in one go.  They will not take much by way of repair and it will be good to get them out of the way with.


  1. We seem to be at much the same stage of things at the moment. I have stacks of shredding to get through, a new hard copy contact book to update, and financial papers for 2023 and 2024 to get organized. It's tedious but needs to be done. I agree 100% with you that a binder or book full of all relevant info is crucial! Good luck with it all.


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