Cock a Doodle Doo

 I am relaxed this morning after a disturbed army manoeuvres session by an elderly Jack Russell who bless her is gradually losing the plot (we are as well but her problems are age related and just need dealing with.  Manoeuvres commenced at about 3:45am which had the whole household up including the cat.  We eventually got her sorted out and settled.

I was still awake at 4:00pm when the birds suddenly started to sing their hearts out as the light started to crawl back into what was night. The morning chorus, for indeed it certainly was, led by the Blackbird and then joined by so many others. G cannot hear them as he is harder of hearing these days.  I lay there just listening though content in knowing that a new day was on its way and comfortable even though sleepy.  Peace at its best.  Something that needs to be treasured.

To my surprise as light and dawn began to creep in a lonely Cockerel started also to greet the day.  He must be a new addition locally as I have not heard him before, not that I am often awake around this time, but I took pleasure in the fact that I was today. It was a warm night, and it is warm now. I for my part was pleased to hear him.  Oh so many people cannot put up with their crowing.  Poor G thought that it was a Pigeon (nothing like but he cannot hear properly; did make me chuckle).  I actually do not mind their greetings.  I am a country kid  you see and in the countryside mornings always started early, a call to rouse from slumber and get busy with the new day. My Nan always had chickens and when we stayed with her, I was always woken by the Cockerel greeting the day.  Granted I often used to fall off back to sleep again, but for me comfort was always taken in that this was our normal and over 50 years ago it would have been everywhere else too.  I would have chickens if I could as I find them fascinating.

In those days, Nan always used to get up about 6:00am, and her day would begin with sorting out the Rayburn (no electric cooker then) and getting it cleaned and fired up for the day and then later laying a fresh fire in the Log Burner and in the front room. Breakfast would then commence usually a substantial one of porridge or cereal followed by thick chunky toast done on the Rayburn and slathered with Pop's honey. (Pop was my Granddad and a very special Granddad).  He spent a lot of time with all five of us.  If there was home cured bacon in (which more often or not there was particularly from autumn onwards), there would often be a fry usually on a Sunday morning.  There were always eggs too.  Happy days.

Today has been a pottering sort of day.  Breakfast as usual for me.  G had another couple of the homemade sausage rolls from yesterday which I had warmed through in the oven.

The washing machine has been on several times since then and washing bought in and taken out.  I have also started to sort out a pile of washing that although not technically dirty is just getting a quick wash through as it has become dusty as the bag it was in had become split and emptied its contents.  I am going to have a massive ironing pile by the time I am finished.  I do cheat though, those items that after being hung out or in the tumbler, get put onto hangers and aired and then into the wardrobe.  I do like my washing to be ironed though overall just do not always like standing for long periods of time to get it done.

We have had another session in the front garden again today.  G has been working on the privet hedge again and trimming the Holly.  His battery ran out so we were not out there as long as anticipated but will be going back tomorrow to carry on with that.  It is D day for the Holly tree tomorrow which G says he is going to reduce the height of it considerably.  So no doubt that will be a first thing tomorrow kind of job.  Will be good to get that sorted out a bit.  He still has to finish the privet off in any event and then there is the Cotoneaster to trim down and shape as well.

I have not been in the kitchen today for carrying on operation kitchen.  Been too nice a day overall.  Just another Ham salad this evening, not really hungry, but need just something.

I hope everyone is enjoying or able to enjoy this lovely weather and that you all have a lovely evening.

Have a good one.

Catch you soon.




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