Today has been a bit of a mixed bag

 Doing a little here and there and not what was planned at all.

We had the window open last night all night for a change.  It is lovely to have fresh air in (well as fresh as it can be in a town) which is why I prefer to be in the countryside.

I slept really heavy last night. G watched the Grand Prix - I fell asleep whilst he was watching it and was out for the count for the best part.

The day started off with breakfast as usual.   I had Pain Chocolat warmed with cream cheese and the Blackberry jam.  Went down very nicely. G had a proper cooked breakfast of sausage egg and bacon.

We have decided that as the weather forecast is a lot warmer for the next fortnight to buy in some salads to have with our evening meal. We therefore unexpectedly ended up going to Morrisons to get some of their salad stuff in and a few other bits and bobs as well.  I certainly need to lose some more weight not that I have put any on.  Today has been more humid and it affects my mobility a little bit and I tend to stumble more than I would normally do.  It is what it is and it has not stopped me doing a little bit.  However I need to get moving where I can again.  So a lovely salad to look forward to for tonight's tea with some fresh bread and some fresh melon for pudding.  Yum.

From there we ended up having to go to Home Bargains for a few bits and bobs and then to Iceland Food Warehouse again for a few more bits and bobs. (they are next door to each other) so just a walk across. Still a load more stuff needed from here but will take it as it goes.

Been in the front garden today. G has started to cut the large privet hedge.  It is only part done and he will be finishing this off tomorrow.  There is still the holly tree and a large Cotoneaster to deal with as well.  I have managed to get all the leaves from today's efforts cleared and removed. However I have the windows and doorway to wash down and then clear the gravel of any remains.  This is usually tedious and prickly as a lot of the holly leaves end up being in-between the gravel so I make sure that I have a pair of gloves on for doing this.  That will therefore be reconvened tomorrow.

This evening after tea I have to set too and sort the fridge out.  Therefore I will not be going into the garden today but will be in the kitchen sorting out.  At least something is getting done as we go along. Every little helps though.

I tend to live in jeans these days for practicality but as it has been so warm today I ended up putting on a skirt for the first time in absolutely ages.  It appeased the girly-girl in me.  Will not be the last time either as I felt a lot better for it.  I have so many lovely clothes as well and accessories.

I do need to have a food preparation session later in the week once I get a little bit more sorted.

Tomorrow I think will be a kitchen day and then hopefully will be back in the garden for a couple of hours tomorrow evening.  It looks as though it is going to be another warm day tomorrow.  Have more washing to do as well.  Might as well take advantage of this much nicer weather for getting it all dried.  Saves on the electric bill.

Well am off to get tea ready and then set about the fridge afterwards.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. Every little bit counts. I sat on a lawn tractor all afternoon yesterday. I'm having company on Saturday, so some house cleaning will happen today. Even though you are feeling the best, you are getting things done. I understand the weight problem. About ten years ago I put on a massive amount out of seemingly nowhere. Over the past two years I have lost 60 pounds (4.3 stone). I need to lose 40 pounds (2.9 stone). I used a converter to go from pounds to stones so I hope it's correct! I became huge, not even recognizable. Moving about has become easier. Anyway, you are doing well.

    1. Hi Sandra, you are brave tackling a tractor. 15 years ago I was a size 26 and weighed over 17 stone. Have gradually worked at it by mostly walking and getting down to a 16/18 and trying to keep moving generally so well done you I fully understand. Weight has stablisled for a bit, so it needs a bit of a budge to get it moving again. Take care sweetie Tricia xx


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