Monday Evening/Tuesday

Tuesday Evening

Tea was lovely and went down very well indeed.

Bearing in mind I have had things upside down between three rooms today, I decided that I had better make access easier into the back bedroom as it had sadly got out of hand with all my frequent trips between rooms.  So for today I have tidied things up a tad in front of the doorway.  It will get looked at again, but it is a start and very much will be a Work in Progress!

I have managed to tidy all my UFO bags up.  Whilst I was in the front bedroom I found a load of further kits which will need to be amalgamated into the box in the back bedroom at some point.  Have also found loads of new bedding a box full and also further bedding and stacks of material and further patchwork stuff.  I even found my pinking shears and I have also gained access to my freestanding jewellery cabinet which needs a bit of a wash and brush up and then needs to go into the walk-in wardrobe.

I had actually hoped to get into the front bedroom again tonight, however, as I need easy access to the rooms it is more sensible to deal with accessibility first so that I do not trip up and do myself a mischief.  I will actually be back in the bedroom again tomorrow for the bulk of the day.

I have had a habit for years that I chop out recipes from magazines that sort of thing and I found a heap in the back room.  So I sat and worked my way through them.  There are a couple of patterns I have kept the rest has gone into the waste bag for recycling.  It is things like this that cause the most distraction but they do need dealing with.  As I have said I have an awful lot to do.

The boxes I put into the front room today will eventually once I have been able to sort the back room out be going in here.  I did bottom the back room out before but only got halfway through.  Once the front bedroom is finished I will be going into the back room.  Very wishful thinking at the moment in light of progress but it is what I am aiming for.


No substantial work in the bedroom.  Lots of "bitting" about tidying and organising things. It is what it is.  Things moved reasonably quickly yesterday, but the slow times in-between are just as important and I think in many respects where the hardest work is.  It is also time consuming.

More washing was got out on the line today, and am waiting on another wash load to finish.

As I mentioned the other day I did prep up a load of mince into a Cottage Pie, Lasagna and Chilli.  We have demolished the Cottage Pie and all but two slices of the Lasagna (Made a very large deep dish version) are left.  The Chilli is all made up and just ready to get out of the fridge when we are ready to eat it.

Today we had Lasagna again with bread and butter (although you could make Foccacia and serve this with it).  We then had tinned oranges and cream for pudding.  All has gone down very nicely.

Tomorrow we have Chicken curry for tea. I am going to prepare a scuttle full of rice as well, and then that can be served tomorrow night with the Curry and with the Chilli later in the week.  All simple, but good solid eating.  Most the meals because there are just the two of us last us a couple of days.  This helps with time, budget and energy costs.  We do not do too badly at all at the end of the day and for that I am grateful.

At the moment I want to be preserving.  However very little will get done this year due to time constraints with trying to get the house sorted. I have decided therefore that something has had to give and that is the Gardening and Preserving. I am making the most of the time here and doing my utmost to restore order. Ideally I would be down in Cornwall for a break which I am in need of.  However, am doing what I can and where I can until I can get down there again.  Ideally would love to live down there.  If I could I would.  However you have to deal with the hand of cards that life deals us and that is different from person to person.

I did manage to do a little more tidying in the back bedroom as well.  Effectively shifting stuff from one room to another.  However did get some more boxes packed in the back room.

Right am off back to the pottering in the front bedroom again. Hopefully will be able to make a bit more of an impact tomorrow.  Think am going to be sorting out some of the fabric pile and then will come and sit and sort out a bag of mixed items.

Right have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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