Saturday and Sunday


I have been based in the bedroom working away steadily, clearing stuff as I go.  It is heavy going, but I think I am slowly starting to see a way forward.  I have two large boxes of stuff full of odds and ends to go through and so intend to do this a bit later on when I sit down.  I will probably do an hour or so of ironing as well just to get down the pile a little more.

As I have mentioned I have a hanging rail in the bedroom, and I also have a large antique pine blanket chest which really does not fit as the room is at the present.  I think it is going to be possible to actually get the blanket chest tucked underneath the hanging rack, so that will give me storage and also keep the box out of the way and give us more room to move about and access things steadily.  I love a mixture of newer pieces and vintage furniture a lot of the time I think it has more character.  I love preloved items.  It is not everyone's cup of tea, I appreciate that, however there are a lot of things I do like, which are pre-loved.  Not everything, but individual pieces which have their own charm tends to be very much my style.

I have already identified that the small free-standing jewellery chest I have will go into the walk in cupboard.  I am going to put a curtain up in front of the walk in cupboard, and I have a vintage1950s Nursing chair, which needs a new cover and wadding on, but otherwise is still in its original green paint.   I intend to pop that outside the entrance to the walk in so that I can keep the chair, and it will just be a matter of moving it to one side if I want to access the walk in.  I do have to paint out and repair the plasterwork in the walk-in, but that will happen once the bedroom has been restored back to proper working order.  It will be good to have the bedroom all sorted and "Tickety-boo". I think realistically it is going to take some time despite all the effort being put in. Then will be able to get the doors back on the back bedroom and front bedroom to tidy things up.  Will then look to source a small free-standing bookcase for the top of the stairs to store some more of my many books all of which are needed.

I have also found my Cuckoo Clock.  I would like to pop it up again and will work towards this.  I love the sound of clocks, but then my Grandfather, My Uncle and my Dad were all into them.  Pop (my Granddad mended them in his spare time).  My Grandparents' had a Westminster Chime Mantel Clock and that clock was the heartbeat of their home.  G is not keen on clocks and I think is not keen on me having the Cuckoo one back up, as the saying goes "slowly, slowly catch a monkey".  Will see what I can do.  If it is odd and quirky I love the character. I also have my Mum and Dad's Smiths Chiming Clock, but that will need to go for a repair in the future as it was not working when I inherited it.  It would be good to have this one going again too.

No cooked tea tonight, although there is one in the fridge if we want it.  I am not terribly hungry and am quite happy with a sandwich or two and we have more Strawberries and Cream for pudding.  Quite happy for a sarnie with some salad leaves and salad cream in perhaps with some Ham or Beef. Means I can carry on working either in the bedroom or doing some ironing or sorting the boxes.

Working is painstakingly time-consuming at the moment sorting things out though bit by bit and then trying to arrange storage for like things such as a box for different Tapisserie wools that I have or other items of similar ilk.

I also got what I had ironed and hung up to air downstairs onto the hanging rack in the bedroom for the time being until I can get all the storage sorted properly.  Needs adjusting

Whilst sorting out I found a couple of packs of decorated card garland/Bunting to make up.  Nothing too complicated, but for something different to do after I finished last night I sorted them out, popped the punched out holes and then strung them.  They are on a continuous string at the moment, but I may have to adapt this to shorter lengths in due course.  However the basics are done, will show more in a later and separate post. However doing this did give me some ideas for future projects.  More at a later date.


After sorting out family breakfasts both Human, Canine and Feline, I then entered the fray yet again.  

It is time consuming and weary work as things have been slow.  However have now reached the first set of boxes and they have been removed from the room and lots of bits and bobs have been found in-between including quite a lot of my many preserving books. I have a separate carrier bag for crafting and sewing stuff and also seeds and gardening stuff.  It makes things quicker moving forward and then I go and re-visit the bags later and get the items back into their relevant storage.

In the process of the sorting out, I have located my bag of Country Diary of an Edwardian Diary vintage wallpaper three to four different designs that have collected on and off for a little while.  I love this particular range and have many items to my collection.  When it first came out in the late seventies, early eighties I had not long been married and we had bought our own house. So was unable to indulge especially as we had an extension to the kitchen and kitchen sorted out. I do remember buying some wallpaper in the range I think it was a roll of the Poppy design for the kitchen but that never did get put up as we separated and divorced a little while later (middle 20's).  Hopefully I will get to use them in the not too distant future. 

I also located a big bag of various wall stencils, loads of magazines which need sorting through.  In fairness a lot of them are crafting magazines with the odd lifestyle one in-between.  Will probably sift through these later when I get sat down.  I am now half way towards the front window.  I will have to move my rocking chair before I can go forward to where the boxes are behind.  I think most of this stash is all sorted out, and they were just stacked there to keep them out of the way however will need to go and check in any event.  If this is the case then it will be a matter of moving the stashed boxes to another standing area for the time being until I can get their "permanent home" established.

As I am so busy, tea tonight has been more or less what we had yesterday sarnies, followed by Strawberries and cream.  We will be having Lasagna for tomorrow night's tea. This is simply for the reason that I need to move this project ever forward and am continuing into the evening with it.  Will be back to it again tomorrow as well, after I have bottomed out the Craft room/Study/Computer Room which needs swabbing out.

Fortunately I got most of the clothes washing all sorted out last week. Yes I am still doing the ironing but perhaps this will give me a chance to play catch up.  There are still a few bits to do, on the washing front though.  Weather forecast looks predominantly wet for the week here in Peterborough at the moment.  I still have loads of household linen to wash up though but I will not do that until I can get it out on the line to dry. I do not want wet washing hanging around.

Right upwards and onwards back to the front bedroom.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. You have a lot to go through and sort out! I inherited my parents grandfather clock. I really appreciate the ticking of the pendulum and the quarter hour chimes. I divorced my first husband in 1976, almost 50 years ago. It often happens when you marry young. Good luck with the bedroom.

    1. Totally soothing and brings back memories. I was married a month into being 19. My first husband was 7 years older than me, and even though I was mature for my years, I changed and needed to do different things and he did not understand sadly. I was so determined not to be a statistic either! We were married 5 1/2 to 6 years. This is going to be a long job in the bedroom! Take carexx

  2. You have been busy
    I am sorting through out family home - my children now both own their own homes and I no longer need a house this size - particularly when the valuation from the Estate Agent was much higher than I envisioned

    I have so far been ruthless , donating hundreds of books and some furniture that I will no longer need or have room for - the plan is to buy a much smaller home . I have found letting go of things strangely liberating

    1. Hello Siobhan, I hope you are doing well and it is good to hear you are being so positive. Letting go is and can be very liberating, you just have to be in the right frame of mind and time space to let go at your own pace. After I lost my Mum to start with I could not let go of certain things, but gradually I have and the local Charity shop benefited considerably from this. Books I find very difficult to let go of as they have always been my friends/comfort/solace when I am unsure of life generally. Somewhere to escape too. However, some of the ones I do not really need will eventually get passed on. I think you are being very courageous and your new home will be your space on your terms. The youngsters today are not perhaps as interested in items or see no use for them in their lives as well. Always here, and wishing you happiness in the steps yet to come. Hugs Tricia xx


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