Thursday Evening/Friday

Thursday Evening

I found more patchwork fabric today.  That has expanded my options even further.

Plus all the shirt fabric I have found.

And a bag of knitting wool I have no recollection buying. Beautiful pastel colours all marled together.  Must have had a pattern in mind.  Will have to have a forage to see if I can locate it.  Think it must be for a jumper it is a double knitting wool.

Ditsy is becoming my middle name; and I am getting very forgetful!

Have found my Christmas storage tins for cakes, two sets of two different sizes and Tea, Coffee and Sugar tins.  Will see if can get them into the Pantry and stored away until I need to use them come Christmas.  If not will be stashed somewhere in the Dining room.


Had planned on doing stuff, but it just did not happen and the day disappeared from me.  So today has been totally unproductive, apart from the fact that I have done a little more ironing.  Still a long way to go.

G had a second portion of the Cottage Pie last night which left one portion left.  I let him have that and I had a rather lovely salad sarnie.  Both of us had proper English Strawberries and Cream for afters.  Cannot beat English Strawberries in season they taste divine.  I have saved the tops again from the Strawberries and they are going to be planted to hopefully grow some Strawberry Plants for next year.  I intend to do this at least a couple of times to see if I can raise some plants.  I also have a Kiwi fruit to see if I can do the same from.

As today has technically been a chill down one for me, I intend to start in the bedroom again tomorrow and hopefully will be able to get stuck in without any interruption and carry on from where I left off.  There is a lot to do.

Let's see how things progress tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. Well, you have had a great day finding all those items - they should all be very useful in the long run. Aside from a bit of cooking and some online office work I have not done much today. I seem to have a bit of a UTI which always makes me feel a bit miserable so had a bit of a rest and drunk as much water as possible. I hope to have the energy for some cleaning in my apt. tomorrow. There has been a LOT of rain today and it is predicted for the next few days so a good time to stay in and get caught up on a few things. It has been odd weather for the past few weeks - up to high 20's and humid for a few days - yesterday was gorgeous - around 21C with a wonderful breeze - but the next few days will be around 18C and raining - very cool for us at this time of year. But, as you have had to pivot on some days and do things not originally planned - I will have to do the same. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I hope you are more comfy now. Plenty of probiotics and cranberry juice! We have had a lot of rain the past couple of days or so and more is predicted. According to the forecast was going to pour it down all day here. We currently have evening sunshine before it goes to bed. Pivoting is beginning to be my middle name - always something at the moment. Although I have got further into the front bedroom today. Take care sweetie xx

  2. Don't worry, you aren't the only ditsy one. I can walk around in circles hunting for something I put down seconds ago, let alone trying to find anything that I put away 'somewhere safe' the last time I used it!

    1. Since I have stopped work I have been a nightmare. Would forget my own shadow if it did not follow me! Safe is a dangerous word here I am always putting things in safe places and never finding them. You take care Tricia x


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