
I had a bad night last night.  We had a late tea which is not good for me with this hiatus hernia issue.  Unfortunately I was unwell in the wee hours and did not settle or really get back to sleep despite being very tired.  I was awake to see the Dawn come in just before 4:00am.  Awake to her the Blackbird and the light creep in very slowly.  No chicken crow so I think he has possibly been moved on.

Started by bringing in the washing left over night and putting more out and then putting more washes on.

Then Breakfast for everyone.

Now am in the back bedroom trying to organise things a bit better and make more space for more items from the front room.  Also sorting things out to go as well.

Started tackling some of the bedlinen in the bathroom today.  Still have the biggest ironing pile but at least everything is clean.  Once all the laundry is done can set about cleaning the bathroom and getting it ready so that G can go and play. 

G is cooking tea tonight.  We should have had curry yesterday - but he wasn't hungry having finished off all of the leftover Lasagna.  There is still a Chilli in the fridge but fancied the Curry.  At least for a change it means I can to some degree get on.

G cooked the chicken in the sauce and then I did the rice and made the Naan bread from flour and yogurt.  Went down very nicely.

Not as much achieved in the back bedroom today, but will continue tomorrow.

I am cold and a bit under the weather after being a little poorly last night and so I do intend to have an early night and catch up on some of my missed sleep and then reconvene tomorrow.  I have cleared in part a stack of magazines from inside the back bedroom.  I have to tackle another pile that was alongside the first.  I did not move it as the cat was asleep on top of everything. She was fast asleep in front of the window in the sunlight!

Looks as though it is going to be wet tonight and wet and stormy tomorrow.  Not proper June weather at all.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. We are also having a wet and stormy night - in fact there are tornado warnings out for just north and east of the city so I am safely in and won't be going out tomorrow either. I did manage to get 4 loads of laundry done once I was in from the office this afternoon so there will be some ironing to do tomorrow. Only one load had to go into the dryer - the rest is on a clothing rack or hanging in the bathroom.
    I do sympathize about the hiatus hernia - I try not to eat after 7pm now and in fact I usually eat my main meal by about 5pm at the latest and just have a cup of tea later on - and it has made a huge difference. I hope it all settles down and you have a more restful sleep tonight.

    1. Hope you kept safe. Fortunately we do not get Tornados - long may it continue! Hope you got your ironing pile cleared. Mine is still growing! I find after 7:00pm best not to eat I do drink copious amounts of mint tea though. Take care keep safe xxx


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