Tuesday Evening/Wednesday

Tuesday Evening

Tea was fried Haddock with bread and butter and it went down very well.  More than enough for me, but G had some Ham sandwiches later on for his supper. He has a bigger appetite than me.

I had a change of heart as to what I was going to do this evening.  I am always adjusting and re-evaluating what I need to do as I go along in any event.

I have had several loads of washing on the go, getting it prepared for Wednesday, as the weather forecast is meant to be a warmer day, with only an occasional shower here and there. I intend to get this out of the line early and then do regular checks on how things are drying, and then keep doing regular changes and getting more stuff out.

In the end I went into the front bedroom and started sorting out some more stuff for a couple of hours.  I have located more coat hangers in the process however I do need to sort a lot of stuff out.  Like needs putting with like.  I do have a fair way to go, but a little space has been created and a couple of bags of stuff that is going out have been achieved.  

I shall keep working again tomorrow and hopefully will clear enough space to get stuff where it belongs.  One of my wardrobes I do not have access to at the moment as there are a few stacked boxes in there which I will remove. Then hopefully will be able to tackle that particular corner of the room and sort it out.


Plans for today

I was intending to go into the bedroom during the day and carry on clearing stuff. However things have gone awry necessitating me to re-group. I am therefore going to be doing a little ironing this evening to get some more of that shifted, bearing in mind this is the ever-growing mountain pile at the moment.

Actual Achievements

I woke up. 

The Sun was shining and so I got up to hang my washing out.  This was a good result in itself.  The Sun is lovely but there is a breeze a good one which is ideal for drying washing. I did feel a tad chilly though the wind has a bit of an edge to it as they say.

Breakfast for all was dealt with; G had his cooked breakfast and I had my Pain au Chocolat, butter, cream cheese and jam.  Moorish enough, but I only ever have a couple and enjoy what I have.

Washing up was then done and tidied the kitchen.

I then went out and bought veg.  However very disappointed with what was available both at the Veg shop and the local supermarket.  I did come away with 3 punnets of Cherry Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin/Squash, 6 large Oranges, three Kiwi fruit, Celery, Carrots, Courgettes, a Bunch of Bananas, some frozen Petit-Pois.  No green veggies at all.  Will have to go back when they have topped up a bit.  Fortunately I have some Cabbage in the fridge.  The Veg shop is struggling, not only with people buying (I have mentioned before that this is a very poor area) and they cannot compete with the buying power of the supermarkets. However, they also mentioned that getting certain produce is very difficult due to the Farmers either not planting, floods a lot of Fenland is still waterlogged, or the prices are just too high that if they bought no one would buy in this area. An example of a Cauliflower was used i.e. a Spring Cauliflower which is normally smaller than the later ones.  Prices at £2 a Cauliflower.  Things are very difficult again at the moment.  I have always found that when using them I get more for my money in the longer term, better quality and quantity.

Something else also happened which I will not go into detail here, but it completely de-railed my plans.  I did not get into the bedroom again.  So decided to do a bit more ironing instead.

Planning and Plotting Meals

On the meal front in the next few days and in no particular order, meals planned are Lasagna, Cottage Pie, Chilli, Spaghetti Bolognese using up Mince that I have i.e. 1.5kgs.  I have some sausages left over.  These are Gloucester Old Spot sausages and I like these from a local Butcher.  I intend to do a mixture of roasted veggies to serve with this.  We also have a couple of Barnsley chops which we were supposed to have the other day but changed our minds.  I shall do these with an assortment of veggies and maybe some individual Yorkshire Puddings.  I have some Curry sauces in the fridge, so will need to get some chicken for turning these into a Curry. So plenty of good eating at the beginning of the month.  The Bananas were also bought to make some Banana Bread.

A Little Self-Care

I have always been one to put myself last, and put others before myself as their need was greater.  However, when you yourself are running on empty, there is only so much that you can do.  That perhaps sounds a bit selfish, but when your own balance is threatened that is a different matter. Am I being hypersensitive or just self-protecting.  At the moment I feel I need to pay attention to myself in that if I am not a hundred per cent, then I am not giving my best to others.  I therefore need "to heal" myself.  I am not sure whether they are the correct words to use, but I do need to introduce a little more self-care into my everyday regime.  I would like to loose a little bit of weight if I can.  I am also trying to drink more water. 

There are certain things that make me stress out although you would not be able to easily tell from the looks of me.  On the outside I look all peaceful and calm, but on the inside there is a raging Bull that wants to be let out of its confines.  One of my aims is that I want to try and avoid those situations as well as it causes severe anxiety for me overall and impacts other conditions I have and other areas of my life.

However, I do find that I need to be busy at all times.  It is the way that I am built and is probably one of the reasons why I am being so Gung Ho about the house.  It needs doing no matter what in any event.  Will get there eventually in my own inimitable way.

Hope everyone has had a good day and that you have a lovely evening.

Me, I have a hot date with a pile of clothes and the ironing board.

Catch you soon.




  1. Your planned meals sound good. It's not selfish to care for yourself, it is necessary. As I have started to feel better I have become more aware of myself. I think it makes me better all around for others. I understand weight gain. I gained weight during menopause, weight I could live with. About 5 years ago my body went a bit crazy and I gained A LOT of weight. I've spent 2.5 years slowly taking it off. I feel so much better, I can actually cross my legs and bend to tie my shoes! So, take care of you.


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