A Kitchen Pottering - Execution and Plans

Not experimental like the preserving I did the other day, but it is now time to deal with the first batch of Bay Leaves which are now dry and the first Batch of Mint predominantly for use within the Winter months as Mint tea.  I will decant both into new jars for this year's season appropriately marked up as I still have Mint and (bought) Bay Leaves leftover.  Want to create a distinct line for both.

I will also check the garden to see how the Mint is doing and whether or not I can take another gathering to dry off the Dresser Shelf.

One of the things I have found out by using my home dried mint for teas is that for using I really need to have some little draw string bags that can be washed and then re-used again.  These are on the "To Do List" to make on my machine (when I find the foot pedal) probably one of the earlier projects.  I have since found some Calico with which to make the little bags from so that has worked out well.  This is a personal preference, because at least this will keep all the mint together especially for when I tip it into a mug, rather having to fish pieces out individually.  They can be emptied straight into the compost bin out of the bag this way on.

I also have plans to make some homemade Cheese.  I have a couple of Cheese kits, one which I bought and the other which I was gifted.  I am thinking predominantly of Feta in the first instance.  I normally buy this in and then add it to a sterilised jar, and then add spices usually Black Peppercorns, dried Chillies, Dried Oregano and a couple of Garlic cloves topped off with oil and then kept in the fridge.  Usually do a couple of batches of this at least in preparation for Christmas as G is rather partial to this. It will keep indefinitely if stored in the fridge in this way and the journey with it this time is that I have never made my own Feta and want to have a go at this.  

I also would like to have a go at making some cream cheese, and some homemade Boursin cheese with this and some Goat's milk cheese. Goat cheese is one of my absolute favourites. Have been on the list for a long time and as I say I am looking to have a go at something along these lines further on in the week.  Will see whether I get to it or not, but that is the hope.

For those of you who want to have a go at making your own Yogurt, you can make yogurt at home using a Thermos style flask.  This is the way I tend to do it as I have several of the Easy-Yo flasks and I normally make a couple of litres a week.  You do not have to use pre-bought yogurt sachets - although they are very nice, you can make yogurt from just milk, and use a small pot of natural live yogurt from the shop as your starter culture.  It produces a very nice yogurt.  Making cheese and yogurt you will always get a lot of liquid or some liquid which is known as whey. All you need to do is to pour this off. You can save this and use it for starting off a Saurkraut or in baking for making scones. I use no electric apart from boiling a kettle up. I have previously posted on this and the link to my posts are here: 

Making Yogurt Part One


Making Yogurt Part Two

If you want to make your own yogurt at home but do not have the flasks, but have a Dehydrator, a Multi-Pot cooker like a Ninja or an Instant Pot you can also make your own natural yogurt in these and then add your own flavourings to the yogurt.  There are various things that you can do.  It all depends on whether you have various bits of equipment.  A lot of people these days have an Instant Pot - which is something I do not have as I have a Ninja Foodi machine instead.

I would like to give a shout-out to an Internet friend of mine, Bloos Self Reliance, has recently popped up how to make natural live yogurt in a Dehydrator, and also made Labneh (which is a soft cheese usually with a coating of mint) and which is absolutely lovely.  However, I do like the different flavourings she has chosen to coat her Labneh in; Rose Petal and Chilli and Mint, Lavender and dried Tarragon.  They are a bit different, but so is Bloo! Potentially, there are loads of other flavourings you could use too.   These keep well under oil in the fridge and for quite some time.  Here is the link for you to have a look at this and maybe have a go at making some of  your own.

Yogurt and Labneh

There are also lots of other soft cheeses such as Cottage Cheese, cream cheese, etc to make yourself and perhaps by just buying the milk (better if reduced), you can make your own soft cheeses at home.  There are far more many recipes out there.

Tonight we are having a cooked tea.  G requested Toad in the Hole again, so that is what we are having, more or less a repeat of what we had the other day, but it was good and tasty and that is the main thing.  Last night we had Spaghetti in a tomato sauce sprinkled liberally with lots of strong cheddar cheese!

Right am off to potter.

Hope you all have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. You have accomplished a lot these past few days! I don't have a garden but have managed to add a few cans and jars to the pantry this week by shopping sale items and loss leaders so I am pleased with that.

    I've cooked chicken thighs in the air fryer and made a large meatloaf so I have alternated through those - along with some mushroom & pea with pasta for meals the past few days - so nice to have cooked items ready in the freezer.

    It is still too hot here to do a lot of cooking or baking (over 30C today) but I am starting to think about cooking and prepping in the Fall. I actually have an electric yogurt maker - it's a Swiss make bought with gift money years ago and it does a geat job. I've just been lazy lately but intend getting back into the habit shortly. I bought some of my favourite Greek yogurt yesterday after it being out of stock at my grocery store for the past couple of weeks. When I got it home I realized why - reduced in size but stayed at the same price! How stupid do they think we are! So annoying but at least I have options!

    1. Looks as though you have been very busy as well. I think I got into the doing things bit primarily as I was curious as to if SHTF, what would we do and how would we deal with things. Not that I consider myself a prepper, but I started to find ways of making stuff at home and building a pantry from home preserved stuff. It varies from year to year as to what gets done, but at least it is a bit of something. I need to stock up on tins as well soon as the big stock up I had earlier in the year has nearly gone. The suppliers have been reducing the size of things left right and centre and it is a big rip off. For example what consists of a large pot of double cream is £2.65 at our local Co-Operative store. Waitrose same sized pot £2.25. I am therefore not shopping as much at the Co-Op these days as this is not the only item that 40p to 50p extra has been slapped on. Hopefully be able to get rectified soon. You take care and keep safe. Tricia x


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