An Early Morning Start

These days I am not good at getting up of a morning. I have always been wonky of a morning and if I am to have a fit it is normally (although not always) first thing in a morning, when my blood sugar is at its lowest.  It is my weak spot as it were.  Therefore if I feel not with it of a morning I stay where I am.  In the past when I have not taken notice of this I have ended up having a fit, the last ones at work and I ended up in Hospital both times. I appreciate it must be frightening for those looking on, but I tend not to know anything about it whilst it is going on, however I do usually pay for it afterwards.  So I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to mornings.  I am not good at remembering days these days.  I was convinced earlier on that it was Wednesday.  I do try to play lots of word games (not maths) on a daily basis to try and keep the little grey cells going.

We had a rough night with our Jack Russell last night who just would not settle and was up and down like a Fiddler in full swing. I am sure that she is losing it, bless her but she is getting on a bit. I was still awake at 6:00am and nodded until about 8:00am.  I felt more than okay and to tell you the truth I was looking forward to some time and space on my own.  These days I rarely get any personal space.  I therefore left the rest of them to try and get some sleep, whilst I went down to potter and enjoy the peace and quiet.  A time to put my thoughts in order.

A beautiful morning first thing, not warm but cool and comfortable.  Kitchen needs doing and so I have set too and started that.  Will try and get as much as I can do today however in reality I think it will go on in to tomorrow.  It is getting a deep clean (the monthly one). It is cleaned during the week however I like to give it a good bottoming out about every three weeks to a month.  Really scrubbed the counters and the appliances down.  I have yet to tackle the cooker. In any event it will be a good job out of the way with when it is accomplished however I think that will be the job for tomorrow.

After G got up and the animals I then set too, like I do most mornings and prepped breakfast for everyone.  This morning he had toast and smoked bacon which he puts into a type of sarnie.  I had a bacon butty for a change instead of my Croissants.

Fortunately, for tonight's tea we have a duplicate tea to that we had last night.  I am not wasting anything, so it will just be a matter of warming things up, and then covering with hot gravy and tea will be served.  Means can get any washing up done and out of the way with and back into the cupboards as well which is ideally how I like it.  Doesn't always work but that is the ideal.

I had originally got up with the intention of going to work out in the garden for a couple of hours whilst it was cooler.  However, I may do that tomorrow evening now. That will be the task for a little while after the kitchen is done and dusted.  Later on I also have the fridge to strip out in readiness for going shopping later in the week.

Once the kitchen is done and dusted, I can then get back to the ironing heap. I am intending to start this later in the week in any event.  I think getting out into the garden for a little while from Tuesday evening will help me get things in focus and chill a bit.  There is still more washing (of stuff that has been in storage to deal with but are getting to the bottom of the pile).  Am also strategically doing this when there are funds for the electric as well.  Making the most of what I have, but it does mean that I cannot always do what I want to get on with because of the finances.  As long as it gets done that is all that matters.

The weather although starting off very comfortably has now gone to scorching heat.  Thank goodness I watered my plants up last night to give them a chance.  Will do the same again later on.

Because of the heat it is best that I am inside.  Although this house is really cold in winter and is bitter, during the summer it is also cooler than a more modern house in the Summer and when there is a lot of heat.  I cannot stand temperatures too hot or too cold in any event.  I think my internal thermometer is permanently on the blink.  Although I need the Vitamin D, more often than not I am inside as I colour up extremely quickly with being fair haired and fair skinned when it is extremely hot.  I do wish it could be otherwise.

I think this week is going to be a week of "Projects".  Certain work needs doing as a matter of course, although quite often I get dragged off of this and then end up playing catchup.  The kitchen is one of these projects, which will be completed tomorrow.  The next project I think is going to be the study/craft room/computer room which also needs bottoming out. I am focusing on projects this week in an attempt to get back into the swing of things again.

I have managed to get my Rhubarb Compote onto the Pantry shelves for the time being.  However I will drag them out again to label them up.  I had run out of labels.  Am hoping to get some more preserves sorted out soon.

Well my tea is ready, I think that is me for the day.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. Ever busy! Our climate has changed. Summer is really humid, which is hard for me to tolerate. I have been in a bit of a funk, so not getting much done. Reading your plans actually does help to motivate me. I did do laundry today, four loads. Tomorrow is another day!

  2. Hi Sandra, just do not know how to sit still. My Nan was like it and so was my Dad. I do not cope with too much heat or too much cold. I think my internal thermometer is broken as if my temperature flares it just goes straight up and has caused other issues. Hope you are in a better place now. I have a big pile of laundry on the go as well and a big pile of ironing to do. Keep up the good work, and glad my plans are indirectly helping. Take care Tricia x


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