Gentle Potterings

It has been a belter of a warm day here today.  Too warm for me and therefore I have taken things gently. I have been in the garden again.  To start with I did not get much done, but I have enjoyed being in the moment and doing things that need doing.  Working mindfully, emptying some old pots that had been used for growing of their compost and adding this to the herb border. Partly to help the mint grow a bit more and for the herb to retain more water. Also watering up a bit as I have gone along.  Emptying some pots and hopefully doing bits like this will soon start to show results. Starting to weed the pavement and tidying as I go. Getting more washing out and getting it dried.  Finding that less priority on getting a post out is actually allowing me to do more and come up with different content.  Perhaps the slowing down a little is what I have needed all along to live in the moment more.

Then in the blazing heat (I know) I decided to tackle the main border on the side of the patio.  No photos, sorry it was worse than last year because I just have not been out.  So have managed to get a very large bin liner full of weeds.  When it is a bit cooler this evening, I will be digging that part of the border and then popping some seeds in.  If they come to something they do, if they do not well then that is down to me deciding to be late in setting seed.  Determined to try and get something if I can though.  Thinking salad leaves, beetroot, and herbs. To start with.  Then will take it from there.

Early evening I have not gone out as next door's children tend to play out in the garden and so will venture out as they go in.  I will be more comfortable then.

About 6:45pm I ventured out and started working digging the border.  Have for the best part got this dug and weeded although weather permitting will be back at it tomorrow.  I have also taken down the string I put up to stop next door's kiddies coming through.  I had a few pieces of trellis and so have popped into service as a small fence especially where I am going to plant a few seeds to stop them coming through.  Still a couple more panels to put up, but need to dig a bit more before that can be accomplished.  Needless to say apart from the bits I have tackled today the garden looks like a bomb has hit it.  Need to go to the tip but I think that may be next weekend into the following week before that happens.  Will make sure it is a good run.

Now to have a cup of coffee and get ready for another day of being busy tomorrow.  Had not realised it was Friday just do not know where the days are going to at the moment.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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