More Gardening

Today I have continued on with the garden.  Only being out for half a day and sometime in the evening.  More overcast today, but still very warm.

Have cleared the brambles and weeds out of the path behind the toilet window, washed and cleaned it down and then re-potted a couple of Clematis with some new compost and watered up. They could do with a feed as well.  Popped one of my chairs in the middle.  Means I can now go out of an evening and sit for a while - which I do like to do.  Might bring another chair down but will see.  Quite like being on my own especially at dusk.

The entrance to the path to the back door which runs off the path behind the toilet window and then goes onto the patio, has also been divested of its squatters ie. weeds.  Have to work down to the back door at some point but for today am going down the left hand side of the patio to divest that of weeds.

The Strawberries whether cultivated or Wild, have perked up in their pots as has the mint.  The mint in the border looks a lot better than it did now it has had a bit of a tidy up.

One of the things I would really love to do at some point is create a proper Cottage garden.  Sadly I cannot do that here as the land I do have is needed for growing veggies.  I will also have companion plants such as Marigolds and Nasturtiums to support the other veggies.  Sometimes that support is in the form of a sacrificial item - Nasturtiums tend to attract Black fly and take them away from more important crops.

Looking to sow some seeds tomorrow now that the side border has been dug.  Some will go into the garden and will be sown direct and others will go into one of the greenhouses.

Am tired tonight, but happy tired.  Another day tomorrow and more work to do.  There is always a lot of that.  Looking to do some salad leaves, and Parsley.  Might do a bit more yet will see how things go.

Right am off to put my feet up.

Have a good evening.

Catch you soon.




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