Thursday Roundup

 Today has been a quiet day by choice more than anything else. I have been tending to the animals today in any event.  Missy has been distressed at either myself or G not being near her and has been extremely "clingy" and very vocal howling her displeasure at us "disappearing".  Equally Mischief is in season and also being very clingy as well.  I am not allowed to sit on my chair at all.  It's hers didn't you know.  Both animals are currently fast asleep and peace reigns for the moment.  Worse than children!

Both animals have lots of bedding and I have a wash every week for all the items I use for them. with their beds being turfed out regularly as well.  I had run out of soap powder and G went to the shop supposedly not the the one I get the cleaning supplies from, but he ended up there and came back with some of the items I had mentioned.  I do like to go myself to see what there is - there were other items I needed in any event.  However was in need of the soap powder.  So the next round of washing has begun in earnest.  I have been dealing with this, this afternoon but there is still a fair way to go.

Tea was already prepared for this evening it was just a matter of warming everything up.  It was as good as last night.

Tomorrow is going to be a kitchen day I think as I have to get the kitchen sorted for the weekend and also wade my way through the big pile of washing.  

I am not quite sure where this week has gone, but it has fled all the same.  The past few days I have also been in the middle of a flare up, which combined with the weather has caused a lot of discomfort.  Starting to pull out of it a bit, as the pain is starting to die down thank goodness. So much to do and so little time to do it.

Right am off to put my feet up.

Be happy, be safe and hopefully will be able to catch up again tomorrow.

Catch you soon.




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