
Today has been busy but not in the way that I had envisioned.  I had planned on going Blackberry picking and then spending the afternoon making/starting preserves.  That just did not happen today.

I eventually got to speak to the people I needed to speak to last week.  They were supposed to call on two separate occasions las week  which just did not happen.  Left us waiting for them as the call could have been at any time like a pair of Pilchards.  They were very apologetic when I phoned this morning.  However at least got that sorted and out of the way with.

Also needed to speak to a couple of other people, some more information was needed and an appointment was made for 4:00pm.  So we decided to get out and do a little more Blackberrying.  Hadn't been out above 10 minutes managed to pick about 1lb Blackberries and got a call indicating that there had been a cancellation and could we do call in about 10 minutes.  We therefore made our way home to deal with this.  I have another 1lb or so of Blackberries and will weigh what I have and if I have enough to make jelly will start that off and equally some jam.  Will see how it goes but I envisage that the preserving will start tomorrow morning now.

Because of the paperwork and meeting kind of day not much has really got done and so I am hoping for a better result tomorrow.  However what has been dealt with has moved a project that much further forward which we are relieved about.

Tea tonight is Pizza and ice cream to follow for a change.  Makes a real change for us however too tired to set too and cook.  Bit bummed about the Blackberrying though.  Hey ho - hope can get out tomorrow if not will process what we have and then go and get fresh supplies.

I think the forecast is for rain tomorrow.  Will see what happens.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. I missed my wild raspberries again this year. I simply forget! I've picked several eggplant so I'm thinking eggplant lasagna sometime this week. I'm going to make avocado pesto, something I have not had. I have a few avocado to use. You do a lot of preserving. I do it the easy way, freezer. I know you don't have one and I think you enjoy your preserving process more than I used to!


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