Jobs for Tuesday

Back into the kitchen.  After Pizza for tea last night it was time to stop play in the kitchen because of the light issue.  To tell you the truth I was shattered in any event and so I did not venture into the garden apart from getting the washing in. Checked the forecast it is meant to be warmer tomorrow 24 degrees and is another fine day.  Good for me to carry on with the washing then.  I already have a bag to go out for tomorrow.  It will be another early start and another very busy day.

Plans after breakfast are therefore:

  • Our bathroom is off the bottom of our kitchen and I need to wash the doorway paintwork down and give the door a scrub as well.
  • From there it will be on to the Microwave and my small Electric Multi-Function oven which includes a Rotisserie.  I need G to fix a socket board somewhere underneath so that I can use these machines more than what they are being used at the moment.  They need a good clean down - I am not sure whether G will be able to do the socket board but will leave that to him.  My small trolley table stands in front of the Microwave and the Electric oven and so that will need a clean down as well.
  • Then working down the main run of kitchen cabinets in the kitchen and going through each cupboard, sorting and cleaning as I go.  Worktop and tiles also need a good scrub down.  Obviously getting stuff put away as I go along.
  • This should then bring me to the cooker which needs stripping down completely.  Will get G to take the viewing panels on the oven out so that I can give them a good scrub up.
  • Once we get to here, I can then set about the kitchen floor and give that a really good scrub down.
  •  Obviously throughout the day I will be continuing with the washing and getting it line dried outside.
Tea tonight will be Italian Sausages and roasted Mixed veggies, something nice and simple and which does not make too much mess after all the preparation has been completed.

I will try and get into the garden for a little while today in order to start tackling the weeds.  Even if only for an hour or so.  Something has to give.  That is something else that will be going on in the background for a little while too running alongside everything else, getting to it when I am able or have a spare few minutes.

So we shall see how we get on today



  1. Good luck getting your tasks accomplished. It's been so hot and humid making outside work nearly impossible. We had a whopper of a storm last night.


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