Saturday Evening/Sunday

Saturday evening

I carried on with cleaning the bedroom after tea as well.  Removed a lot of items out of here and still a few more to go, and the ones that need sorting are in a reasonable order for me to go through on the desk, which will probably happen sometime tomorrow night as I really have an awful lot to do.  Have for the best part reclaimed my desk and I now have a big pile of paperwork to go through. Most of it is to do with handwritten recipes that need to go into one of my preserving folders so that I have order and am able to find the recipes that I make regularly.  I am getting decidedly dotty in my dotage.  For the best part I know how to cook the recipes it is the measurements I forget.  I have also been putting my handwritten notes into plastic sleeves for the folder to keep them clean.

I also sorted out my knitting bag that I have not touched for months despite the best of intentions.  I think that will be getting picked up again soon it is the cream drop necked one that I was knitting.  This is what happens I get distracted and end up losing momentum. I would however quite like to wear this one this autumn.


Today have been bogging in, in the kitchen. Has been a chillier, breezy but drier day. I am in a Hoodie today, the first time really for ages as I do not feel particularly warm. If my arms go cold I have had it.  Should be a warmer, sunnier and drier day tomorrow (according to the weather forecast) ideal for getting the washing on the line I think.  Have started the washing pile with the boil washes for pet bedding, that sort of thing.  I recycle old towels for this.  Keeps them comfy and clean and I can really clean them with them being cotton.

Have also been sorting out cupboards one at a time and getting stuff back where it belongs.  No doubt will be in to tomorrow on this as well. Sometimes I do not know why things take a lot longer.  I also cannot work into the evening at the moment as we do not have any lighting in the kitchen.  Strip light has given up the ghost and G is doing some research and looking into what to do for the best.  An old light strip light, it just died on me the other night and we have tried the new tube and new starter.  I think it may be best overall to get a new light.  He will sort it, but in the interim restrictions on how long I can work for in the kitchen, which at least ensures I sit down for a bit.

We are not having a Chicken Dinner tonight.  We are having fish, chips, bread and butter and mushy peas with vinegar.  Must have the vinegar.  Looking forward to that.  Gone down an absolute treat.

And now as the light is no longer good enough for me to see what is happening in the kitchen I have now put my feet up for the evening.

The washer is on again and I am making good headway for getting it dry tomorrow weather permitting.  Am a little way in front.  Be good to get everything sorted on the washing front.  The ironing will start in earnest this week once the kitchen has finished being tidied out. I will then slot jobs in that need putting away in-between everything else.  Going to be a busy and I hope productive week me thinks.

I am tired tonight.

Going to be looking for some more little kitchen projects that can be slipped in between everything else as well.

I keep in the fridge a couple of large bottles of chilled tap water for drinking purposes and also for cooking.  Primarily for G as he drinks an enormous amount of water.  However he forgets to refill the bottles and then ends up every so often without a fresh chilled bottle.  I therefore try and keep tabs that there is plenty in there for regular use.  Just one little job.

Another little job is the regular preventative measures I take in respect of not wasting bread, by turning it into croutons, breadcrumbs or toasted breadcrumbs for coating meat.  As I use stuff if coming to the end of a loaf with the crusts or an odd slice of drier bread I either breadcrumb it or leave it in slices and add to a tray which I keep in the bottom of my small oven.  Then when I have my warmed Croissant etc of a morning the tray is in the oven and dries the bread at the same time.  Making the most of my energy resources.  Stuffing mixes have gone up a heck of a lot recently and they are quite easily made at home. I may change things up a bit this week when I have enough bread crumbs etc. and make a Bread and Butter pudding.  For some reason since the weather took a turn and I feel that the wheel is slipping on by into Autumn, I quite fancy a good old fashioned bread and butter pudding cooked in a Bain Marie. I also quite fancy some proper Bread pudding for snacking on as well.  Will see how things pan out, but always have the opportunity of switching things up and still not wasting a bit of bread.  Alternatively you can buy in reduced bread loaves and make your Croutons, bread crumbs, stuffing mixes from reduced bread.  Whatever way you choose to do it is up to you at the end of the day.  You are the Keeper of your home for your loved ones and yourself so there is no right or wrong way only your way! 

Tomorrow night for tea we are either having homemade pizza or Italian sausages and roasted veg.  Will see what we fancy to eat nearer the time.

Have a lovely evening.

Keep safe, keep warm and dry.




  1. I have to ask, what are mushy peas? I think it may be smashed peas, but not sure. Anyway, they aren't something I know. I made an eggplant gratin for yesterday's dinner. My eggplant is producing well, so much eggplant will be eaten! Now that you mention it, pizza is sounding good. Maybe cubed, fried eggplant pizza!

    1. Many of the traditional vegetables in the UK were dried to see people over long British winters and Marrowfat peas are one of these Wholefoods. Mushy peas are an old English vegetable accompaniment to dishes such as pies and fish and chips. Usually made from dried Marrowfat Peas. There is a link here with a picture and a recipe if that helps. Sometimes the peas are a little greener probably due to added colourings. We have had fish and chips tonight so had them with that. I also sprinkle vinegar on the peas before serving. When they are good they are really good and are to my mind the perfect accompaniment for fish and chips. Hope this helps. Your Eggplant Gratin sounds lovely. You can put anything on pizza including Blackberries and Feta cheese. Have a play. Take care sweetheart Tricia xx

    2. Thanks, I looked up the recipe and then marrowfat peas. I learned something new!

    3. Hi Sandra glad I was able to help. I always keep dried peas in for making this (sometimes bought in a tin already made up for convenience). I also use the dried peas for sowing in planters in compost for pea shoots in early spring and then use them in salads and on top of soup. It all helps at the end of the day. Hope you are having a period where you are able to do a bit here and there. Take care Tricia x


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