Things are never simple around here

 "Despite the best made plans of Mice and Men" as the saying goes.  Things always seem to get complicated no matter what we are doing.  Nothing is ever straightforward!  Something else always needs to be done as a result and we end up with utter chaos out of something that should have been straightforward.

The other evening as I had been working away the kitchen light popped and would not re-start.  New starter put in, nothing, new tube put in nothing.  Therefore decided that because it was such an old light it could be the fitting itself and last night we ordered a new fitting.  That has arrived this morning first thing,  Never quite had service like it.  Absolutely spot on and the fitting is very good quality too.

G then tried to fit said new light fitting.  Still nothing, so we suspect there is something a little bit more adrift.  It will be something daft it always is.  G is still working away at this and currently the kitchen light switches are being investigated.  Since been out and replaced both the back door "hall" light switch and the "kitchen" light switch.  More on that tomorrow.  There is nearly always a saga!  I wonder if now is a good time to mention the Microwave and small electric cooker socket board.  Will see what mood he is in before I brooch that one!

However all his shenanigans up and down ladders, getting in the way have had a disruptive effect on my kitchen capers to the extent I have not been able to do any of what I had planned. This is a tiny kitchen with only room for passing each other sideways (I kid you not).  I needed the light for this for certain parts of the day.  And so I have gone back to brass tacks.  I am quietly getting on with a cupboard at a time until all of them are how I want them and everything back where it should be.  Big sigh from deeply frustrated of Peterborough.

The Lists created thus far stand as they are, with me working to finish the second list by tomorrow evening.  Can then go foraging on Friday and so on, as was planned earlier in the week, just the actual day changing.

I am also dealing with I must say it with some excitement (very sad person me) that I am nearing the bottom of the washing pile. Probably be all done and dusted by Sunday this week! I have been plugging away at this and although there is still quite a bit left to do it is nowhere near what it was.  It does involve a couple of quilts though 

The ironing pile is growing, but I will get to that.  My main focus is getting this darn kitchen sorted out.  It is the HQ Operations Centre for most things that happen in the house and if the kitchen rhythm is upset everything goes to pot. I think there is also another old saying "Don't upset the Cook"! With it being such a small kitchen I have been focusing more and more on clearing up after myself as I go along.  However if there is an evening or a particular task that does not get cleared and out the way it holds the rest of the projects and things that need doing to ransom.

Therefore hoping to get to the kitchen finished by tomorrow evening.  Friday will weather permitting be the day I go foraging. Saturday will now be Pantry day.  These things are sent to try us and I am deeply frustrated as things were going so well.  Ah well it could be worse than it is and I am grateful for that not being the case.  Hold ups are usually there for a reason which we cannot always see at the time.

At least the sink cupboards all got stripped out and scrubbed and I can find stuff in there now.  Nice to be organised in that one little bit.

If I can get the kitchen finished by tomorrow evening this will then enable me to then start the ironing, doing a little at a time.  Staging two hour tranches of an evening could go down well as it will not be too onerous on my back, and will allow me to sit for a while of an evening as well. 

Being able to complete and deal with tranches of the ironing will by its very nature open up other things that will need doing as well.  Like finding coat hangers and getting clothes into drawers, chests, cupboards and wardrobes.  Some of those are accessible at the moment and I will try and deal with items that I have access to their storage too at the moment and then hopefully clear the other areas as I go.

Still have not got into the garden to pull the weeds.  To hang the washing yes, but maybe that might happen next week once I get the kitchen HQ straight and everything back online with what needs to be done.  Pantry is a must, cannot really go and do much shopping until this has been dealt with.

Therefore as I say, cupboard by cupboard.  Will not take long to go through some of them, so that will be me disappearing for today.

Tea therefore tonight as a result of the chaos in the kitchen was a Kentucky Fried Chicken. That went down very nicely.

Tomorrow will be Peking Duck and Pancakes from the local Freezer centre.  Hopefully that will be straightforward.  It is a while since have had this so I am looking forward to it.

Right upwards and onwards.  Tomorrow by its very nature is going to be a very busy day where a lot needs achieving. I need an earlier night tonight as all my efforts are slowly playing catchup.  The past couple of nights I have slept the sleep of those no longer with us, awaking early just before or after 6:00am before nodding off.  I usually have the alarm set for about 8:00am to 8:30pm.  I do not want to be over-tired and that is why I am planning a day off foraging to give myself something I love doing and also taking me away from the house and any self-made stress.  Each of us needs to do that on a regular basis and it is a coping mechanism that I have recently found out seems to suit me.

Right, off to tidy up and then put my feet up for a little while.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. Never a dull moment! Here's hoping the electrical problem gets sorted out for you.

    1. Sometimes I long for dull moments! Never mind these things are sent to try us. At least he has the strip light working from a plug so have been able to potter a little bit. Tomorrow he is investigating what the issue is with the wiring itself. Looks like Spaghetti Junction. The next room under discussion for a new light is the bathroom. That will be another month though. Get this one out the way with first. Take care xx

  2. I think there must be something in the stars this week. I have been really busy at the office (go into the office 3 mornings a week) but hardly anything got ticked off the list I had for there as so many other things kept coming up! Oh well that's the way it goes sometime. As for getting things done at home - that has also been a slow process this week - I've come down with a bad cold (not Covid) and it has wiped me out. I work from home for a few hours tomorrow (Friday) and I will then try to do a few more things in the kitchen but I think it will be in between naps. I just keep telling myself that I am making progress even if it is a slow process. Enjoy the foraging.


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