Today has not gone as planned

The courier arrived midday and we got that all sorted out with no hitches or problems.

It was then my intention to descend on the kitchen.  Got all geared up to go in, and I had pottered doing some other bits and bobs earlier on.  However those items planned for today will now take place tomorrow as we had a slight hiccup in the itinerary!  These things are sent to try us.

The only thing I really got done was I made pastry, and I made and cooked a Quiche for our tea this evening, which was served with homemade chips and some bread and butter it went down an absolute treat and was so tasty. This time around I included in the mix, courgette, smoky bacon, onion, broccoli, red pepper, with some sliced tomato on the top together with a liberal dressing of cheese in the mix and on the top of the Quiche.

The presentation also came up a lot better this time and I did not have a soggy bottom!

Still need to do work on the Pastry, but a much better attempt this time around.  I was a little concerned that because I had a nicer presentation that it would not be tasty, but there were no fears here as it was scrumptious.  I am very relieved about that.  I really am a nervous wreck when it comes to pastry.  I think part of the trick for me is not having anyone circling or around me when I am attempting to do something with pastry.  I think that as a result of that I am starting to sort out what works for me.  As I have mentioned we had that for tea this evening, a quarter of the Quiche each.  We have some for tomorrow night's tea as well.  If he wants it before hand then I can always make another Quiche with different flavourings, for us to have then.  No chips though.

It is the end of the month and I am busy making things go that little bit further and using up lots of bits and bobs.  I have some Broccoli and Blue cheese soup to make as well.  Sunday we are having another Chicken dinner with roasted new potatoes, shallots, sweet potato, Squash with side vegetables of Cauliflower, Broccoli and carrots. Might make either  a rice pudding or an egg custard for pudding.  So that is the main meals catered for this weekend.

I have been muttering about doing a little baking for a while and I am hopeful that at some point I will be able to do a little bit tomorrow. I fancy a chocolate cake, some Flapjacks and some scones.  Will see how it pans out.

So not the day planned, but we have eaten well and I will attempt to get everything sorted back where it belongs sometime tomorrow or on Sunday.  There is an awful lot to do.  I also have the Pantry to sort out and scrub down.  I therefore think it is going to be kitchen based things and cleaning going on over the weekend.

I have done a few other little projects as well which needed sorting as a result of not being able to get on in the kitchen as I had wanted.  However there will be more on that in a separate post.

Right off to put my feet  up and hopefully I will get a good night's sleep tonight.  I kept panicking that I would not hear the alarm and so did not settle properly last night.  Fingers crossed I get some shuteye tonight.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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