Too Blooming Hot


Sorry have not been around for a couple of days.  It has been far too hot for the likes of me and I have been a little under par as it were.

Wimp that I am just have never been able to tolerate the heat very well.  Have kept to the house.  Been playing catch up on You Tube.  Did manage a couple of loads of washing and got that out.  So glad cooked the other night which meant that we had plenty to eat in the fridge. Duplicate meal tonight being the same as last night. There is still a piece of Quiche left for sometime tomorrow if he fancies something to snack on.  Since been eaten.

Cut into the Egg Custard Tart tonight and that was not too bad either. We have had half tonight and the rest is also for tomorrow. Also now all gone. I am going to be making again and hopefully the practice in making will help things come on that bit better.  There is room for improvement as I am so out of practice with the pastry.  However prior to me making the Quiche I was up against it rather with G as he maintained he did not like Quiche.  This has proved to him that homemade Quiche is a different animal to those bought commercially and you can vary the flavours up to suit your palette.

Although no more cooking on my part in the past days and today we have decided to go for a lighter tea tonight.  Very much a "spread" or Pick n Mix as I like to call it.  A variety of cheeses, crackers, Pickled Onions, Chutney (G bought some Quiche) and another glass of Blackcurrant Cider each is on the cards for tonight's tea. We also have the choice of fresh Strawberries with cream, or with jelly or mousse with a little cream.  Depends what he wants when it comes to it.  We have done well with the food for the past few days and hopefully I will be back in the kitchen tomorrow at some point.  I have also bought some Lemon Thyme which is one of my favourite fresh herbs, but more on that another day.

I am also starting to pull together a list of items that I would like for the Pantry shelf at some point and will be for a major shop as soon as I have pennies saved up to do it. Probably towards the end of September, and also to get in a new stock of dried fruits for baking etc. However I thought a list would be helpful in the longer term.  I am as usual for the best part looking at base ingredients that I use on a regular basis.

Right am off to put my feet up.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. I sympathize about the heat - it has been over 30C here for the past week and humid! Just saps all my energy. I've been doing a few things around the apt. - and made a large crustless quiche today. I have taken some previously cooked items out of the freezer to use up (I think I will do a couple of stuffed peppers tomorrow) so that will do for the next few days.
    I have been staying out of the shops - might pick up a few odds & ends on Monday - but I'm going away next weekend to see family for a few days so don't want to buy too much.
    I hope to buy a small freezer at the end of August and will start a restock then. I always go through my baking supplies in Sept. and replace or top up then. A friend has promised me her breadmaker as she never uses it so I am making plans for that as well.
    We should be back to mid-twenties by next week so hope it cools down a bit for you as well.

  2. I hope you are okay and been enjoying your food! Can understand you using stuff up if you are not going to be around for a few days. I hope you have a lovely few days with your family. Sometimes it is the change of scene that does the most good. Keep safe Tricia x

  3. The heat drains me too. No chance of me moving anywhere hot!


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