Tuesday's Plans - Deferred to Thursday Achievements

 Work continues on the electrics.  I have had to put the proverbial foot into gear indicating to G that there is work that I need to do in the kitchen as well as him.  Could he please therefore get on with what he needs to do so that I can go in and progress.  Both new light switches work beautifully and that is a bonus.  Just the socket board to get sorted in the kitchen.  I do not think it will be a problem once it is clear and he can see his way around it.

G has been into the kitchen and painted the ceiling around where the new light fitting is to be fixed up.  He will do the lighting later on when it is dry.

As I have mentioned the bathroom lighting will be on the list to do.  The bathroom needs decorating anyway and so once the kitchen, Pantry, ironing and Dining room have been sorted out we can perhaps get to that next.  We have some laminate for the loo and bathroom to tidy things up in there.  So there are things moving along quietly in the background, just not the ones that we are focusing on.  Any movement is good though at the end of the day.  I am especially pleased about the laminate though.  It should go well in the bathroom.

These are autumn days for our Jack Russell Missy.  She seems to be craving more and more cuddles (we have always given a lot), but when she cannot settle at night she looks to come and lay on me, covering her up and just seems to be craving closeness.  She seems to settle with me and if there is a problem or something that she is trying to bring our attention to it is usually me she comes to, although I do not always have the answers. Missy is and always has been a very "chatty" little dog.  Funnily enough the cats have been as well. I really hope that we can get down to Cornwall soon for her to be able to go onto the beach - she loves the water and the sand.  It would be good if we could.  I just love Cornwall.  Fell in love the first holiday we ever spent down there when I was aged 11.  Have wanted to live down there ever since.  So much natural beauty which inspires creativity. One day.

Cupboards have been sorted out, still a few more to go, but the big ones are done.  All washed out, and the doors done.  Partial clean of ovens carried out today and the hob.  Will be finished off tomorrow and then the cooker will get a little enamel paint to help with one or two dings sustained over the last 8 years or so.

I cannot do the top cupboards until G has sorted the light fitting as it is resting on the upper cabinets.  I will be able to wash and sort these out then.

More bread has been dried, and more Breadcrumbs.  I have also tried oven drying some tops off Spring Onions.  The idea in my mind is that it will make a good seasoning for crisps or gravies.  Well that is the plan at the moment.  No recipe just me playing around.  Drying the chopped Spring onions in the oven has slightly caramelised them, and given them a sweetness which I usually associate with Leeks. I am looking forward to messing around and playing with this.  I was originally thinking of grinding them into a powder and then adding to salt to make a seasoning for Crisps or indeed chips.  Also thinking of drying some shredded cheese and then adding that so "Cheese and Onion" Crisps.  May or may not work out. Just an idea emerging that needs playing with.

Lots more work to do, will carry on in the kitchen in the morning.  It should be completed today.  If I get chance will then pop out for an hour foraging and maybe again first thing on Saturday morning.  Also starting to work out a feasible system for doing things in my very small kitchen.  Key is trying to tidy up as I go along no matter what.

Looks as though it is going to be another good day tomorrow.

Alarms set.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. I need to ask what a hob is? It sounds like you are getting close to your goal. You've got me considering doing the bit of ironing I have. It's late morning here, so I still have the day ahead of me.

    1. Hi Sandra, Glad to be a bad influence. The Hob is the top flat part of a cooker (or it can be separate) where the hotplates are. Still have not got to the ironing. Hoping to put that right during the week. xx


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