Very Little....

 is going on here at the moment.  I have lost the last couple of days waiting on someone contacting me and that just has not happened and a letter of complaint has been lodged.  Will try and sort that out at the beginning of the week.  These things are sent to try us, however as a result of that it has stalled some other things that have been going on in the background.  I am very tired again - these days I do not seem to sleep as well as I used to - I think some of that is down to the dog and her midnight adventures.  That is part and parcel of owning an elderly animal bless her.  She is not too steady on her feet either which does not help.  They give so much love it is only fair to give them the love and reassurance that they need as they get frailer.  My view in any event.  

I have in-between everything else therefore taken advantage of doing nothing by catching up and watching posts on blogs and You Tube.  I have also been researching recipes for preserving that I would like to have a go at as well.  Some of which I would like to get made for my Pantry as soon as I can.  Fingers crossed that will happen.  Even if it doesn't I will still have the recipes to use at a later date.  Recipes include Ratatouille, Piperade and Green Beans to be heat processed for the Pantry shelf, as well as Bruschetta, and Tomato ketchup and sauce. So we shall see what we shall see.  I know that I am going to be attempting to get quite a few veggies on the shelf as well.

I cooked tonight, a Cottage Pie with the intention of making it and then whilst it was cooking intended to go out to take the dog for a walk and do some Blackberry picking.  That did not happen as someone got his feet under the TV watching a film which is unheard of.  I am therefore hoping to go tomorrow to gather some more.  Will see how it goes.  I need to make Blackberry jam and Bramble Jelly as I have worked my way through loads of it this year.

Tea in any event was very tasty and as per usual we have another helping for tomorrow night's tea.  Sorry no photos. 

Been another warm day here in Peterborough, however the nights are now starting to draw in a bit to what they were.  Still hoping to get away for a break down in Cornwall in the not too distant future.

Short and sweet tonight peeps, until I get back into my groove again.  

Enjoy your evening.

Catch you soon.




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