Well How Did I do Today - Monday's Challenge and Achievements

Was up early. Now that is an achievement in itself.

Dug out the Pizza dough to make homemade Pizza for tea this evening.

G was up earlier and sorted out the washing machine for me.

Since then several loads of washing achieved and three loads got out onto the line and dried.

Had breakfast and did washing up.

Intermittently all day long have been hanging washing out to dry and putting fresh loads of laundry into the machine. It has been a very good drying day. Also putting the freshly laundered stuff into the ironing heap.   Will not get to the ironing heap tonight, but will find something else to do instead for a little while.  Might go into the garden and start pulling some weeds.

Went to Home Bargains for some smaller cleaning bits and bobs which had run out of, including stocking up on Zip Lock bags, some pan scourers, dishcloths, bleach, disinfectant, bleach and one or two other bits and bobs. Normally they have some packs of mixed sized adhesive labels which are ideal for labelling my preserves.  Could not find any at all.  Bit grouchy about that will just have to put a bigger label on and replace it later on.  They are far too big for purpose.

Now this is where things got messy and the Kitchen won hands down and I didn't.

Unpacked everything from Home Bargains.  

Went to pack stuff into the under sink cupboard and realised that yes the shelf had collapsed and I needed to sort that out.  So I have been stuck in giving this a good once-over and a good clean up. The shelf is back where it should be.  Also re-organised the contents a bit and got rid of the bits that were no longer needed.  Made those items used more frequently easier to get to.  So that is one thing off the tick list.

I have also scrubbed the dishwasher and the washing machine.  I have run a cleaning cycle on both machines as well. So all super clean again.  The waste bin has also been cleansed and re-lined and paintwork wiped down.

In reality therefore, I have finished one side of the kitchen.  I have also washed the kitchen windows and the nets and got it all back together again.   The Dehydrator has also had a wash down.

So a partial success.  Therefore the Pantry will be delayed until Wednesday which is probably wisest in the circumstances. I will continue on with the kitchen again tomorrow.

If the weather is good on Thursday I am going to go foraging and have some time for myself.  A Reward for good behaviour.

Side Jobs:

The Basket of home dried items to date which includes, breadcrumbs, dried Croutons, dried bread slices, Bay Leaves, Dried Mint.  I have popped the mint into a Ziplock bag as I cannot locate the jar I want to use for storing this year's harvest in.

  • Decanted Croutons into Zip Lock Bags
  • Decanted Breadcrumbs into Zip Lock Bags
  • Made more Breadcrumbs; have plenty of Croutons but in need of more crumbs.  Also on the cards for sometime this week a Bread Pudding or a Bread and Butter Pudding.  Who knows might end up making both.
  • Decanted Dried Bread into Zip Lock Bags
  • Decanted Dried Bay Leaves into Zip Lock Bags.  I have a full jar in the condiments cupboard in the kitchen.  I still have more to dry.
  • Also picked more mint from the Garden and strung it on the Dresser to dry.
  • Sorted out the Peg basket, emptied out the broken wooden pegs and put them to one side for crafting as I intend to use them in some peg coasters for decorating and use at Christmas. If you glue them in a certain fashion and then paint them you end  up with some "Snowflake" coasters or table mats.  Quite appeals to my aesthetic probably painted in white and in red.  Also contemplating mats and also some Christmas decorations using the wooden pegs.  Need to buy in some more pegs in any event, but it is good to have the peg basket all sorted out again.  Half the battle is keeping the little things under control.  The broken pegs had been doing my head in!
  • Pizza has been made for tonight's tea.

Think when I have done what I can in the kitchen for this evening (due to the light issue), might nip out into the garden and do a bit of weeding for an hour or so.  I will never end up getting to it unless I keep slotting in a bit of time here and there.  

So on a practical note, today has been messy, but I have achieved a bit in the process.  In reality this is often what happens here and it is easier to deal with things as I hit them rather than they wait to one side awaiting urgent attention.  At least this way they get put up and away rather than lingering with intent.

I shall then a little later on sit down and do a bit of roaming on the Internet, read some posts and some You Tube videos.  And then try and be in bed earlier than I normally am as I have another busy day planned tomorrow with another early start. I am intent on getting stuck in for the foreseeable energy allowing, which is another reason I am keen to sit for a while of an evening.  This being "retired" lark means I loose all track of time and what is going on elsewhere.  Far ditsier than I have ever been if that is at all possible.

Right am off to go and get some tea, and as a certain pussycat has laid claim to my chair and is trying to budge me off, perhaps it is a good time to move.

This little Angel is the one that keeps us awake at night.  Missy catches up with her beauty sleep during the day!

Have a lovely evening folks.

It is back to the grind for me tomorrow.

Catch you soon.




  1. You certainly got through a lot of things on your list!
    Yesterday I managed to "dry can" rice, beans, pasta and oatmeal - I use glass jars, oxygen absorbers and then I bought a small jar vacuum sealer which works really well so I have got about 18 jars into the pantry for long term storage.
    This morning I did some office work from home early, then took a break by going to the grocery store with my buggy and getting in a walk at the same time. I stocked up on some cleaning and paper supplies, plus more fresh veg and some tinned tuna and salmon. Everything has been put away and two loads of laundry are now on the go. Once they are finished I'll go back to office work for another hour or two and then there is a shelving unit in my dining room that I have my eye on to sort.
    This evening I intend to watch a bit of baseball and then start the latest Donna Leon mystery that I just picked up at the library. Good luck for the rest of the week.

    1. Hi Margie, hope your book is a good one. Glad to hear that you have been able to do a little pre-planning and food prepping. It makes all the difference and it does not have to be much. I am hoping to invest in a vacuum jar sealer later on this year for some of my Pantry stuff. I need some new jars too. I am also hoping to do a really big shop either in September/October so that I can get the bulk of items still needed into the Pantry for the winter months. I have not been supermarket bulk shopping for over a year. We only buy what we need immediately per week on fresh food together with what I have on the Pantry shelf. It is the only way I can really do things at the moment with me not having a freezer. All the tinned stuff I stocked up on earlier in the year has now gone and needs replenishing. Glad you have been able to do a little bit. You take it steady and take care Tricia x

  2. I am glad that I am not the only one who loses track of what day it is! I have spent all day thinking it was Sunday.

    1. Aw bless. Since my world is no longer regulated by reviews, time stops, dates for filing certain applications, appointments that sort of thing I have felt strangely liberated but also slightly rudderless. I go from one day to another in my own little bubble dealing with what is going on around me, meaning to do things, never getting to them unless I start really focusing like I have today. I am now very tired as a result of all my efforts and do not intend to be long before I go up to bed. Tomorrow is another early day and the alarm is set in readiness. Would rather get up early if I can, and then if I tire later on at least will be able to down-tools and do something about it. Feels very "back-endish" (autumn slipping in just a tad). For the past couple of months or so I have not been particularly cold, but the past day or so I have ended up slinging on a sweatshirt. Need to get out foraging this week will probably be Thursday so I can get some time to myself. Take care xx


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