What a Wet Day

 We have had rain falling gently to start with all last night, and continuously on through the early hours and is still raining incessantly.  Not heavy just incessant and constant the type of rain that will do good but it always causes problems somewhere down the line.

I did not get a good sleep last night.  Missy was on her travels and then once she settled, I could not get to sleep and I now feel completely wiped out.

G has nipped out to the shop, and I am currently babysitting a sleeping Jack Russell and a very fussy cat until he comes back and then I will be able to get on in the kitchen.  Ostensibly he has gone out for potatoes and I suspect a few other things as well.  Potato man was not there, but could not blame him really.  Will look elsewhere for the taters, think it might be a tad early yet for a full sack.

G has come back with quite a few things which have been decanted into the fridge but need sorting out a bit.  At least they are in the cold.  He has also come back from the Italian shop with Italian Fennel Sausages (yum), some Mozzarella and some Chorizo so it would appear that Sausages and roasted veg and also pizza is on the horizon.  Also some fish so mushy peas, chips and fish also on the cards.  So three to four days of meals sorted in the interim before I can go properly shopping.

I might make another Quiche for later on for snacking on with the ingredients I have left over from yesterday.  We have had the last of yesterday's offering which was really very tasted a quarter of the pie dish each for brekkie.  

So back to the kitchen it is and I will get done what I can done here and order restored.  Then it will be into the Pantry to re-arrange the shelves give them a good wash down.  I am hoping to do a little baking either today or tomorrow.  If I do not get to this today I will deal with it first thing tomorrow.

Decided unilaterally that I was going to sort the study/craft room out as I had a load of stuff hit the floor from the desk so I have chosen to sort that out first so that I can in the weeks to come go to my desk and then craft a bit.  I am getting the urge to craft again and also hibernate.  

Before I get to the crafting though I do need to tackle the garden. I will therefore be looking to weather permitting get out and sort the garden out.  Get some cardboard and then cover up where I have worked to keep the weeds at bay.  A lot of work to do but if I go at it say a day at a time I might be able to make more of an impact.

Equally as mentioned I have the Kitchen and Pantry to sort.  Still going to try and get in there tomorrow and Monday.

Washing on Monday yet again weather permitting as I am only using the Tumble drier if I absolutely need to which means little usage at the moment.  The washing will run alongside everything else.

I will also be starting on getting things in the Dining room into their homes as well.  This will be an ongoing project though.  Once the kitchen and Pantry is sorted I can then start on the ironing.  I tend to do the ironing for a couple of hours here or there usually in the early evening and have been known to tackle first thing of a morning.  

Really have got my work cut out in the days to come but it needs doing.  I am going to have a lot on my plate.

Then there is going to be preserving as well.

I have been sorting out my preserving folder or should I say the second folder with recipes I have come across just recently which I would like to try.

Somewhere along the line I would like to get down to Cornwall too.  Do not think it will be in September, but might get away for a short while in October.  Will see how things pan out. Very much in need of a break.  Even if we go away though there is a lot of preparation work that will need doing before then anyway.  So a lot of what I am proposing to tackle has a need to be done in any event so the sooner I get started the better and potentially will be able to get away earlier.  Will see what happens.

Right am off to finish off in the bedroom.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. Lots of things going on for you. It sounds like some nice meals well be had in the next few days. I just finished prepping and eggplant gratin. That and a salad will be our dinner this evening. We are in for some HOT weather the next several days. Autumn will come. I can't wait.


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