A "Bitty" Day and Food items

Today has been a very bitty day. 

It started off with a cooked breakfast for G.  He had Lorne sausage, white pudding, black pudding, fruit pudding, fried egg, fried mushroom and bacon.  Followed by a mug of tea.  The Lorne Sausage was sourced from Rendalls Online Butchery link here: Rendalls Online Butchery  

We bought a large block (ideal for the freezer) however our block came in two parts, and one went to son and one we kept.  We have another three slices left and will be ordering this again soon.  This is the link to the item we bought:

Lorne Sausage

For the Fruit Pudding:

Fruit Pudding

We have managed to catch up with our Potato man and also Egg Man since I lost the Veg shop at the end of August.  We bought a full sack of potatoes (£16) - new season's potatoes and also two trays of assorted sized eggs (at £6) a tray.  He also had a 1kg tub of honey for £10.  Will see if he has that next time and might get some.  I believe honey to be a very useful item to have in your Pantry as it can be used for sweetening, fermentation, on toast, to make wine or Mead or Methegelin and of course for coughs and colds.  Missy is on a teaspoon of honey a day mixed in with her meat and it seems to be helping her with her chest issues.

The eggs below are from the mixed sized trays of eggs.  The mottled egg on the left is a standard large sized egg.  The one next to it is a lot wider in girth and depth.  I thought it was going to be a double yolker, but turned out just to be gigantic.  I bet the chicken felt that one!

The Fruit Pudding usually goes into the pan cut in thick slices last as it does not need long cooking in the pan, just browning.  It does and can fall apart whilst cooking.

We have received various phone calls throughout the day, indeed lots of phone calls all to do with the accident from different parties going on throughout the day, which has resulted in the car being booked in early next week for repairs and we have been given a replacement vehicle for the duration.   This in itself has caused a bit of a headache as to park outside without being nicked for no permit we have to pay out yearly for a permit from the Local Council.  What to do then when the replacement car arrives after office hours and everyone has gone home for the weekend.  Especially in view of the fact that they send out Inspectors to check on a regular basis and we do not want to fall foul of that particular scenario.

I have therefore after reviewing their site put pen to paper, explained the circumstances asking them to contact us on Monday either by phone or by email as we are in a bit of a catch 22 situation especially concerning registration information for the replacement vehicle as we have nothing.  However in the meantime they are aware that we have contacted them to register the position and there is a paper trail so to speak!  Will see what happens.  Trouble is that with a lot of governing bodies, they ask black and white questions and nine times out of ten, what we are contacting them about does not fall into any one particular category.  There is no "grey" area so to speak.

Hopefully will get the car back soon as we really do want to have a break and head down to Cornwall for a few days.

G also went to the Butcher as on Monday he had placed an order with them and needed to pick it up today. Family member took him.  He had ordered 4 Loops of White Pudding.  At this stage we are not sure whether it is from the company we wanted it from as there are no imprints on them, will find that out when I next cook breakfast which is probably going to be Sunday. Think it will have to be toast tomorrow as I have a lot to do.

We also received a delivery today for some Cheese that we had ordered last week.  The order had not been delivered as not everything was in stock at the time. It was due for delivery last week. However it has arrived today and we are now stocked up with cheese for the next few weeks or so apart from a decent Cheddar or a few pieces of other cheese that take our fancy.

We ordered in a half moon of Stilton from Hartington Creamery.  Also ordered in Dovedale Blue, and Devonshire Gold.  All are Blue cheeses and all of them cracking.  We have had all of these from them before.  They often put on deals for buying say 3 pieces of cheese which is how we bought the Devonshire Gold this time. It is a beautiful and tangy but creamy blue veined Gold coloured cheese.

Their website is here:

Hartington Creamery

The cheese therefore played a part in tea tonight.

We had like a Charcuterie plate with Chorizo, the cheeses, grapes, and homemade Sausage Rolls.  There were also crackers and bread and butter (depending on who wanted what), chutney and pickled onions.  

The Devonshire Gold:

Homemade Sausage Rolls - First batch x 6 Sausage rolls.

There is another plate of slightly smaller Sausage rolls which have now cooled and which have been popped into the fridge wrapped up for tomorrow.  So plenty to eat.

There was also of course Banana bread and really pleased with how this turned out. 

It is lovely on its own, but also very nice with a bit of butter spread on it.

A very "bitty" tea after a very "bitty" day!

Catch you soon.




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