A Little Bit of Shopping

A Little Trip Out 

An early morning for us, up and away out of the house by 8:30am and on our way to Ramsey to the Fish stall. First trip out in the rental car. Beautiful serene morning with a wisp of mist visible as we travelled to Ramsey. A proper September morning. Peaceful and calm and the Sun has been shining. Arrived safely and sorted out what fish we wanted.  I have a fillet of Smoked Haddock think that will make two meals for me and so am a happy bunny.  Also a crab each.  G also went for Whelks and Cockles.  They had Mussels today but did not want to overload and so if they have them next time will possibly have some then.  Different Fishmonger than the one we originally used but a lovely traditional layout on the stall and the fish all looked good quality.  Also saw my first Parrot fish; beautifully coloured.  He also had live Lobster on the stall.

Also looked at the vegetable stall and came away with Runner beans, sweet potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, a couple of courgettes, baby bunched carrots, cherry tomatoes, a squash which has topped the veggie shortage up a bit.  Still need to get some peas, peppers and mushrooms will probably have a wander round to my local shop later.

Its a long while since I have been out this way - pre-Covid and on the way back called in at Harvest Barn Harvest Barn which always used to do before Covid intervened. The veggie section as shown on their website no longer exists.  It is in a fridge in a corner of the shop area and there is not that much of it.  The meat section only had a couple of packs of bacon in it.  So basically more or less bare fridges on the meat. I had read on their press report that they had updated their food section and as had not been in for a long while called in on the way home.  Definitely not impressed with the lack of items on the shelves and what was being offered far less than before space been taken for more Cafe area.  Not good for the beginning of a new shopping day when the shelves are empty.  They used to have some lovely different things.  I do not think will be calling here anymore in the foreseeable which is a shame as when they first started out standards and supplies were very good.  Do not think this is just down to Covid and possibly because their business is in the middle of the Fen they are having to go where they can realise an income i.e. food, the cafe and Sunday dinners.  Shame really as I said the concept when they set out was brilliant.  I also think they were growing a lot of veg themselves at one stage.  The veg I saw today looked tired and their greenhouse looked as though nothing had been grown in it.

We called in at Peter's Bakery in Fletton High Street on the way home for some nice Crusty buns.  This is where we usually get them from - G has a penchant for them. He also treated me to a Coffee and Walnut cake.  They also offer loads of other goodies, cakes, hot sausage rolls, pies etc. bacon baps.  Very popular bread shop but no website.

Today is work as usual in the house, basically whatever needs doing first. First off though a big mug of tea.  Very much needed.  After everything that has gone on this week, not much has got done in the house and I need to get stuck in again and try and restore some order.  Need to catch up with the washing as well.  So a lot to do.

I did take my old mixer to my step-daughter this afternoon.  Just left out and we had a massive Thunder and Lightning display as well as rain.  Never mind it has freshened things up a bit.  Looks as though we have this unpredictable weather for the next day or two.  Will have to wait to do the washing until we get a dry day for everything to get dry.  Not putting the tumbler on unless I have to.

Meals for the next couple of days

Tea tonight is going to be a dressed Crab each with bread and butter.  There will also be cheese and the second batch of sausage rolls from yesterday and a bit of Banana bread if needed.

Tomorrow night, we are having a Barnsley chop each with veggies and gravy.

Monday night will be Italian sausages with roasted veggies.

That is the plan in any event, unless plans are interrupted and have to re-group.

I am now sleepy and beginning to wilt a little therefore am going to go and put my feet up.

Catch you soon.




  1. All that seafood sounds lovely! I do want to try and eat more fish and seafood but it is very expensive here - still - nice to have a bit of a treat now and again.
    I too was up early and out - garbage & recycling taken care of - off to the subway to first go to the library, then the very nice fruit & veg shop (also where I get my eggs) then off to the liquour store for some vodka (going to make vanilla/lemon and orange extracts) - then the grocery store and finally the bakery! Certainly got my steps in for the day! After a cup of tea I headed down to the laundry room and it was empty so got 3 loads done - and used the dryer for sheets and towels so just have to get everything folded and put away. Just going to have somethin on toast for a light supper - will do some cooking tomorrow.


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