Friday Potterings

 Where I am getting stuck in, trying to get the kitchen and dining room sorted for the arrival of the new Freezer tomorrow.  Yippee.  Looking forward to getting things stocked up again, particularly on the meat front.  Might be more room in the fridge now (although I doubt it)!

This morning nice and early whilst a Jack Russell was in the land of Nod, we crept out the house to go to home Bargains.  These are the lengths we are sent to, because she will howl if we are not here and she will howl if we leave her in the car (and then people think you are being cruel to her).  So stealth it is to avoid the histrionics.  Today I managed to have a really good shop in there on basic stuff that I have not been able to purchase for a while.  So we are stocked up again on cleaning stuff not that I actually buy a lot of cleaning stuff I keep it pretty simple.  I go through a lot of dish cloths as I buy the ones you can boil/wash and then re-use.  It has to be practical.  Also managed to get my non-metallic pan scrubbers today which have not been able to source near my home.  At least the soap powder supply is now two months (one in hand) which I prefer to do so that we can at least keep everything clean.  Untidy yes, but have to be clean at all costs.  At least with me recently having sorted the under-sink cupboard it is quite easy to get everything stashed away easily and it is all sorted out under there.

As I have mentioned before, I do need to do a big re-stock shopping trip shortly and that is on the cards to do and then hopefully it will be a case of just buying in meat and fresh veg and the basics each month without having to add piles of stuff on the monthly shop.  Trying to streamline what we really need each month. Then fingers crossed I am hopeful that whatever we do not spend in one particular month can be saved up for when we do need to go and buy items in, whether that be just one big shop a year or taking advantage of seasonal bargains etc.  it will be handy to have some money set aside to actually take advantage of anything that comes our way.

Yesterday I also sorted the bathroom out and organised that a bit better.  Should be workable now as I have bagged the washing to be done and once the weather is a bit nicer to get stuff dry, I can get stuck in and get that out of the way with.  When that is done I can then scrub the bathroom out and G can decorate if he so wishes.  So there is a method in my madness. Then maybe the flooring can be done.

At the time of writing this post, I have been in the kitchen washing up.  It is a bit of damp and windy day. It rained all night last night and the temperature has dropped considerably.  It is jumper weather!  When it is rough weather all I want to do is just hibernate!  Now if only I had a lovely log fire!  One day.

I still want to get down to the caravan for a little bit as some stuff needs sorting out and bringing home which needs repairing namely the very large awning that we bought for the side of the caravan. We really need the use of that when we are down at the van.  Needs to be sent away to be repaired.  Spent too much money on it not to get it repaired.

There is lots being done, some of which is reaching completion/finalisation which is pleasing me no end.  Still loads more to achieve though.  It is a never ending list, but this stuff needs doing. It has been doing my head in on the QT.

Leg is still not right if it is still like it on Monday will be going to the Doctor. It has come out of nowhere and I am really not sure what has happened. My back has slipped out a couple of times this week, and the back of my right knee is complaining as is the front right hand side calf.  Think it is a little swollen but have not done anything that I am aware of.  Will take it as it comes.  Getting fed up with this.

Tea - G ordered a take-away so that I could get on with getting things cleaned and organised.  I ended up doing my saucepan cupboard out as everything fell out, just before my tea.  I am now going back to actually get everything back in it.  I was attempting to get stuff put away at the time this happened.

Oh well, told you before it is just the depth that varies.  That's another fine mess have got myself into.  Only kidding.

Have a lovely evening everyone, will catch up as soon as I can.




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