Meals for the Week

We managed to do a bit of stocking up on Saturday and have quite a few good meals to look forward to this week as a result.

We have the following for this week:

Rib Eye steak: Will probably fry and serve with fried onions, a couple of fried eggs and some homemade chips and probably some mushrooms.

Sausages: Toad in the Hole, with mashed potato and seasonal veggies.  Have a cabbage as well.  So a good comforting meal to be had.

Lorne Sausage:  I love this and we sent away to a Butcher up in Scotland for this.  It comes in a pre-sliced slab and we are nearly at the end of it. The meat has been solid with no nasties in.  G has been having for breakfast everyday and I have had a couple of breakfasts as well.  Also the following starred * items are making suitable appearances but not necessarily on a daily basis.  We shall be sending for this Lorne sausage slices again.  Once we have the freezer  that will help a lot.

White Pudding*

Black Pudding*


Fruit Pudding: *.   I absolutely love this as well.  It is like a bread pudding formed into a stick with spices and flavourings in as well as dried fruit.  It is one of my favourite things.  When we were on holiday in Scotland my sister in law (God bless her no longer with us) introduced us to the Fruit Pudding.  G was not fussed with it.  He is not a big fan of Cinnamon and this particular version had Cinnamon in.  The one we just bought has as well, but they used Cinnamon oil in this version.  I have not enlightened him on the front as he likes it.  So no point me in me putting him off when he is happily eating it. I absolutely love it and it really goes well with a fry up.  I am not a big one for a fry up, but if the Lorne sausage and the Fruit pudding are on the cards, well it would be rude not to have it.

Barnsley Lamb Chops: Yet again for a proper meal.  Probably mash, peas, carrots, cauliflower with gravy.  Another favourite meal.

Italian Sausages: To serve with roasted mixed veg.  A firm favourite here where you get all of your veggies but not necessarily all the pans associated with cooking veggies.  Effectively a one pan meal.

Chorizo two rings: For use on a Pizza or two as well as eating as part of a Charcuterie board with some homemade chutney/relish or jellies and crackers/bread.

Eggs  - plenty of Eggs Two trays on top of what I already had - so some baking on the cards especially as I now have the new Kitchen Aid stand mixer.

A Large sack of Potatoes.  I like to have potatoes in-house as we do tend to have them with most meals, but always in a different format.

Mixed veggies whatever I can lay my hands on at the moment bearing in mind the loss of my veg shop.

A box of broken biscuits:  These are kept in the Pantry for tea breaks that sort of thing.  There are normally a few crumbs left over and I use these in homemade cheesecake bases.  So nothing is wasted.  It is not something that we necessarily have everyday but they are there if they are required.

Philadelphia Cheese: I usually have this on my Croissants, Pain au Lait or Pain au Chocolat with one of my homemade jams for breakfast.  Will slowly be transitioning over to porridge, muesli or granola.

Milk: I use a lot of milk in drinking and also for cooking.  I will be using more in due course as some cheese making is on the cards for the future.  I also want to bottle some.

Onions:  I am an onion freak.  I use a lot of onions in cooking and in everyday, adds a lot more flavour to food and is good for you as it is a natural antibiotic in its own right along with garlic which I also like lots of.

Cheese: I love strong stinky cheese.  G's tastes have mellowed over the years but I still prepare a really strong Cheddar cheese something with a bite to it.

6 Bags of reduced New Potatoes: Intended to be processed for the Pantry shelf so that I have a veggie side dish to help make up a meal. This is especially so t

Butter.  This is all I use as I do not like the Margarine spreads at all. Has to be Butter for cooking and for bread.

Actimel Yogurt drinks/shots:  I have these first thing before I eat a breakfast or have my pills.  Tends to be a bit sporadic. If I do not have these then I do make homemade yogurt.

Bananas: G eats these like they are going out of fashion. I have been intolerant of them in the past when eaten fresh. I love them but they do not always like me.  I bought a double batch of them yesterday to make some Banana bread for G and also for some fresh for him to eat.  I might even do Bananas and custard for a pudding during the week. I could quite fancy that.

Cheddar, Goats cheese and some Danish Blue.  Used in sarnies, in cooking and as part of a Charcuterie board. The Goats cheese I tend to grill on segments of Baquette and then serve with a good chutney and a side salad.  Love Goat's cheese.

So quite a few things to keep us ticking along on the meal front this week for which I am grateful.  I am still planning for a major shop towards the end of the month.  I also have a lot of preserves to make with what I can lay my hands on.  A bit late, but will do what I can for this year and then make up for it next. The major shop is very much needed as even though my Pantry looks quite full I have not been for a really big top up for ages.  We have done little top ups, but a lot of stuff I have been doing without.  As I am going to be baking again it is really the baking section that needs a major overhaul.  However will see what we can find at the end of the day.  I will still be careful though.  I also intend to stock up on a few items online as well.  However will see how things go.  You can only do what you can do at anyone time.  If you have to regroup because of finances, then that is what must happen, but if we can afford something nice at a particular time then we are going to have this as a treat.  We like good food here.

I also want to do some baking this week and use my new mixer both for bread and also for baking.  So will see how we get on.

Catch you soon.




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