
I have been working in the kitchen today, as well as doing a load of washing and getting it dry in the tumbler.  It has been a damp cold and wet day here overall so no outside drying.

I have been pottering with bits and bobs in the kitchen as usual.  Lots of little bits that are gradually being restored to where they should be.

In the interim I managed to get through to the Surgery even though was waiting ages.  Because of the problem with the vein, the Doctor decided to see me reasonably quickly and I managed to get an appointment for 4:00pm; I had about half an hour to get there. 

I have another addition to the long list of issues, varicose veins! Indeed the vein was swollen and hard. Apparently they take many years to develop!  I only remember my poor Mum's legs wrapped  up when I was a little girl, as she ended up with a varicose ulcer on her ankle.  Its a family thing (I have just taken longer than most  - thank goodness). Doctor believes that the stocking I popped on when my knee went out last week had caused this. Fortunately I had taken it off as soon as it had started hurting. Verdict too much hockey when I was younger with wear and tear on the joints (extreme toothache in the bones).  The problem with my knee he thinks is due to a bad flare up with the arthritis, which would make sense.  I have been given a cream to pop on the leg to help settle things down a bit.  So at least I know where I stand and am grateful for having been seen so quickly, despite the fact we could not get through on the telephone lines this morning.  So all's well that ends well and grateful nothing more serious.  I am also on instructions to carry on with the Paracetamol for the discomfort which is my standard go to here in any event, primarily as it keeps my temperature down.

I can therefore focus my attention now on more important matters like getting sorted here.

I have been very cold today and my hands have been playing up as well.  I think I am going to make a hot bottle tonight to pop my feet on as they are nearly always cold.

Tea tonight has been some Cod strips, homemade chips and mushy peas.  Has gone down very well.

Tomorrow, the wait is on for the re-delivery of the Freezer.  Fingers crossed that it will turn up tomorrow. No idea until tomorrow as to anticipated delivery time.  Will be notified between 6:30am and 8:00am with the four hour delivery slot. Then the fun will begin getting the freezer installed, and ultimately then filling it.  Will be going shopping for those bits.  Fingers crossed that another thing will be crossed off the check list from tomorrow.   Fingers crossed and toes plaited.

Tomorrow is another day as they say.

Catch you soon.




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