
Today has been a lovely bright day.  However it was very cold first thing and we had our first frost overnight, so was a bit "ber" (not the month) first thing. 

Well I failed miserably in getting everything tidied as I had wanted it in readiness for the freezer i.e. clearing the room out completely Despite bogging in my body let me down and I had to go to bed.  I was far too knackered and leg was playing up quite a bit.  All in all I ended up having an early night and got up early to get stuck in again. I did sleep well, and my leg did not hurt much when I got up.

I did get quite a lot done in the dining room and even got the floors scrubbed as well.  Laminate is well old and needs replacing which will happen shortly a room at a time fingers crossed and toes plaited.  Then I will think that things are moving along nicely.

However things did not pan out as planned. To add insult to injury, we were notified and updated of expected delivery time via their App.  Timings have moved forward for most of the day with the App saying that it was delivering today Constantly, just time moving forward.  At 5:45pm when I went on the App it was saying delivery in progress. I left it another 10 minutes or so and then tried again and then it was saying that delivery had failed!  We have been in all day, OH has been outside waiting for them at times they said were going to be there and the app did not seem to keep up with what was actually going on. No one has tried to make a delivery to us. No one has contacted us by phone or by email. So we have been sat here like plums waiting for a delivery that is not going to happen this weekend.  Makes me wonder whether they tried to deliver to the wrong address.  I then tried to contact AO and of course no one is now in the office and apparently I cannot re-book a delivery online.  It looks as though there is going to be a conversation first thing on Monday.  Whether their vehicle has broken down or not I do not know, but I do know that their lorry did not move for a considerable amount of time according to the App.  However, not being given information as to what has happened and leaving us in limbo is somewhat unacceptable.  The term Delivery failed - seems to try and put the onus on us, which I am not having.  This is down to them.  In future if I would like a delivery of an item, then I will not do it on a weekend as you cannot get in touch with anyone to progress matters and put them right.  Normally in the past they have been very efficient and good, but this has been a bit of a let down.

On the plus side, it means I can carry on with some more work in the house and get matters sorted out a bit more before delivery is attempted again.  I just want my Freezer please.  Good job we hadn't been out and bought stuff to put in the Freezer.

Now the work will begin.  

The new Freezer when it is delivered will be in situ alongside the fridge.  I can then sort out the tops.  I use what space I have for storing stuff.  The fridge has a box with a lot of my baking, icing and cake making equipment in it.  That will stay there.  However I think my Presto, Large stock Pot, Steam Canner, Soup Urn (to be used for making cheese) will all find a home up there.  They are used but not as regularly as stuff that is in the kitchen.  At least they will be reasonably accessible. 

I will in any event, still sort the fridge out, give it a good clean and get stuff a bit more organised than it is at the present.  Will also fill up the water container for chilled water.

The new Freezer has an ice maker in it, which will be fab as I love ice in my drinks. I am looking forward to using it when I make pastry going forward as well.

Once both the Freezer and the Fridge are sorted out, I will strip the Dresser down and give that a good clean and polish and then get things back on there.  That will be one side of the room done then.  Then there is one of my utensil towers at the end of the Dresser.  I will be going through the towers to see if there is anything I can get rid of, however a lot of what is in there tends to be small equipment such as a hand slicer, apple peeler, marmalade shredder that sort of thing.  All of it  useful if no electric so I do not really want to relinquish those.

The next side of the room which backs onto the stairs is another Dresser.  That also needs sorting out, stripping down, washing and polishing as well as the contents being re-arranged.  So we shall see how we go.

Then there is the under-stair cupboard.  I think I may well have to tackle the under-stair cupboard before finishing off the dining room.  We have flooring stood in the dining room as well which is intended for the under-stair cupboard.  To do that I will need to strip that all out.  However, perhaps it is the right time to do this, then I can get that all organised, and my preserves once the room has been washed out and decorated can then all go back in there together with the ones from the main Pantry.

Then it will be back into the dining room.

I shall then work along the Chimney and the Window walls and clear what I can there.  This is where some of the storage boxes are.

However whilst the dining room is empty I intend to set up the ironing board and get stuck into the ironing. I want all the ironing done before we get away to Cornwall.  Very much need a break.  

As usual loads of work for me to do, but as I said earlier at least I can see where I am going a bit more, and there have been quite a few recent achievements which has cheered me up an awful lot.  

I am still taking it steady with the leg though. Very uncomfortable today.  I think I am going to try and get an appointment with one of the Doctors on Monday in any event just to be on the safe side.

After days of endless rain, it has been good to get some washing out on the line.  Still no end to do but at least some has been achieved.  Back to it tomorrow - looks as though it is going to be fine tomorrow, so will pop some on this evening to get a line out first thing.

Despite the disappointment and the hard work to get to where I have, life goes on and I will get stuck in again tomorrow.  Sometimes curve balls or freak waves happen.  Just going to have to ride it, but when you are tired and irritated it takes a while to come down to base level.  I am sure you will understand!

Will find out more when I have spoken to them on Monday.  Will update then.

Have a lovely weekend peeps.

Catch you soon.




  1. What a disappointment. Let's hope they will deliver on Monday.Since I am a recent reader I don't know what happened for things to pile up on you the way they have. I imagine it's illness. That's what happened to me. The amount of work you are doing is overwhelming, I can see why you need a break.


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