
Today I am smiling as I am relatively pain free compared to yesterday which for me is an absolute bonus.  I was good and rested up yesterday.  I am going to have a steady day again today but it will be more active than yesterday.  My leg is sore and I know I have to be careful with it, especially about knocking it. Putting the support sleeve on yesterday helped an awful lot with the muscles, but it has also nipped and bruised one of my leg veins just below my knee.  I am keeping an eye on it and if necessary will go and see the Doctor.  Have had a rough couple of days also with things generally where have been feeling well under par and hopefully will now be on the up. I am wondering whether all the stress last week has its part to play as I have a habit of holding my feelings in; things have to come out eventually otherwise they do you no good in the longer term.  I have also had tightness in my shoulder muscles again and although am still doing exercises have had to slow them up a bit.  Since the cooler weather made a return, I have had side effects. I got a really good night's sleep last night which I find for me makes all the difference.  I am going to be trying to sort myself out a little bit long-term in any event.

One of the things that has developed as a result of Covid and all the injections have had to had, is a better tolerance level of injections.  I do not like them and never have, however seem not to get myself as stressed about them as I used to in the past.  That in itself is a good thing for me I believe and a positive element.  That is all well and good as I have been invited in for the latest Flu jab (I have to have this every year in any event) because of the medical conditions and the next round of Covid injections.  I have that to look forward to next Thursday.  At least I am being offered as has G and for that I am grateful.

The good news is that the Freezer was ordered today.  It has been out of stock for about 10 days but back in stock this morning so pounced and placed the order.  Should be delivered on Saturday.  A sister appliance for our Samsung Fridge, this one is the Samsung upright freezer version.  So very much looking forward to having a freezer again.  I have so missed having one.

It has an Ice maker in it, and as I love ice in my cold drinks and also want to use it when making pastry, this is a win-win as far as I am concerned.  My sister fridge has a water storage/drinks unit in it, and so I intend to also have that on the go just with water in, but at least it will be nice and chilled.  Very much a manual one that you have to clean and replace water to daily, but as I cannot get an American style fridge freezer in here or  (too big for the passageway and because of the way the doors are situated in the house, cannot get in the dining room from the little entry porch.  We have tried and failed before on this.  We also do not have the facilities near to where the fridge and the freezer are located for plumbing in, so are doing the next best thing.  There is always a way.

Looking forward to making ice cream again and having and saving more money long-term (i.e. being able to plate up and put meals away for another day if fed up eating same thing, making meals out of leftovers etc.  I have always had a freezer or freezers and it has been very alien to be without them.  It has however also been a learning curve with heat processing other items which has been empowering in itself.  Just because I now have a freezer does not mean that I will give up on this, it will be to the contrary, as I have been slowly sorting out the items I want to preserve this way. I believe that you need to be able to provide meals from all the storage that you have to hand as all interchange with each other.  The beauty now will be that if the freezer goes down for whatever reason, I will be able to heat process the contents as I now have the skills to deal with this.

We are in the middle of a thunderstorm here in Peterborough with thunder and lightning whipping and cracking away and lighting up the skies.  The rain is heavy as well.  Been a very wet week so far here as well as many other places in the UK many of which have been flooded.  I am not keen on lightning or thunder.

In view of the Freezer being delivered on Saturday, I now have the task of getting its home sorted out and therefore will be cracking on with getting things sorted and cleaned for their placement.  I also have to find somewhere for the tumble drier which I am not getting rid of.  It is an extremely good one and very efficient.  I am going to be busy, not that I never really am not.  At least getting the freezer in and using it again is going to be another big thing off the ever long checklist.  Some very positive things have been happening which I am grateful for.

News on the car is that it is in the garage for repairs and we have been told that we will not have to pay a No-claims payment of £300 which is also positive. Assuming that the lorry driver is taking responsibility. Must say that we have been terribly impressed with our insurance company and their seamless service in getting things sorted out and relatively quickly in the greater scheme of things.  Hastings have really made the process a lot easier.   At least this week has been a lot calmer all round.

My leg has been a lot better today, just starting to nip a bit and so am going to put my feet up.  Have been on them most of the day which is a success compared to yesterday.  Come early evening when everything is tired tends to gip a bit but will have some paracetamol and hopefully that should dull things down a bit.  

Tea was a lovely bit of steak, fried onions and some homemade chips.  Nice and simple.

Have a lovely evening everyone hopefully catch up tomorrow.  Tomorrow is going to be full on.

Catch you soon.




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